#!/usr/bin/python #encoding=utf-8 #import the modules import os import os.path import sys import hashlib #define the functions def findFile(rootPath, fileSeq, delSeq): dirs = os.listdir(rootPath) #list the directories under the root path for dir in dirs: #traversal all the directories path = rootPath + os.sep + dir #complete the path of current file if os.path.isdir(path): findFile(path, fileSeq, delSeq) #if current file is a directory, recursive the function else: md5Check(path, fileSeq, delSeq) #if not a directory, check the md5 def md5Check(path, fileSeq, delSeq): f = file(path, 'rb') #open the file with 'read-only' and 'binary' md5obj = hashlib.md5() md5obj.update(f.read()) #calculate the md5 if md5obj.hexdigest() in fileSeq: delSeq.append(path) #if md5 of current file is in the fileSeq, put the file path into the delSeq else: fileSeq.append(md5obj.hexdigest()) #if not in the fileSeq, put the md5 into the fileSeq f.close() #close the file def delList(delSeq): print 'These files are waiting to be removed:' for delFile in delSeq: print delFile #list the file path in the delSeq #the main program fileSeq = [] delSeq = [] while True: if len(sys.argv) == 1: rootPath = raw_input('Enter the root path: ') #one parameter means no parameter, ask the root path else: rootPath = sys.argv[1] #or get the second parameter as the root path try: findFile(rootPath, fileSeq, delSeq) #try if the root path is valid except(OSError): print 'The root path is invalid. Please enter again. ' del sys.argv[1:] continue #catch the except and delete all invalid parameters break if len(delSeq) == 0 : print 'No duplicate file was found! ' #if no files in delSeq, exit else: delList(delSeq) #or list the delSeq while True: answer = raw_input('Would you want to remove these files? Please answer yes(y) or no(n): ') answer.lower if answer in ('yes', 'y'): #if "yes" for delFile in delSeq: try: os.remove(delFile) #remove all files in delSeq except(OSError): print 'Warning! "%s" is not existed! ' % delFile continue #ignore the files witch are not existed print 'All duplicate files have been removed! ' break elif answer in ('no', 'n'): print 'Process has exited without any change! ' break #if "no", do nothing else: print 'Please enter yes(y) or no(n). ' sys.exit()