有时候需要备份些东西到邮箱,能够让脚本定时自动运行当然是最好! 抽时间用python写了这么个脚本,使用python-libgmail库 ( sudo apt-get install python-libgmail )
msend -t list@domain.com -s "求助,图形界面进不了,哈哈”
2、发个文件到自已的邮箱,一般用 -f "file1;file2;file3;dir2;dir3" ,发懒的时候不写 -f 也能用
msend -t my@gmail.com -f readme.txt msend -t my@gmail.com *.txt
msend -t friend@domain.com -z ./pics/
1、目标邮箱和主题必须写上; 2、如果有文件附件,可以不指定主题,脚本会把文件数当主题名(gmail的title里会显示正文的) 3、程序会自动判断文件和目录,如果是目录就会遍历 4、不管是文件还是目录,如果前缀指定了-z,就压缩后发送 5、没有前缀的参数一律当文件名 如果有需要,可以下载玩玩,运行msend不带参数就有用法,应该很明白了。
Usage: msend -t user@domain.com -s title msend -t user@domain.com {-s title | -f file | -z file} Full command: msend --to=user@domain.com --subject=title [--msg=body] [--files="file1;dir2"] [--zip="file1;dir2"] Example: ( edit ~/.msend for default sender account ) msend -t user@domain.com -s "just a test" msend -t user@domain.com -s "send all pic" -f ./mypics/ msend -t user@domain.com -s "send files as zip" -z ./mytext/ msend -t user@domain.com -s "send both" -f mytext -z mytext
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- import os ,sys import getopt import libgmail class GmailSender(libgmail.GmailAccount) : def __init__(self,myacct,passwd): self.myacct = myacct self.passwd = passwd proxy = os.getenv("http_proxy") if proxy : libgmail.PROXY_URL = proxy try: self.ga = libgmail.GmailAccount(myacct,passwd) self.ga.login() except libgmail.GmailLoginFailure,err: print "Login failed. (Check $HOME/.msend?)\n",err sys.exit(1) except Exception,err: print "Login failed. (Check network?)\n",err sys.exit(1) def sendMessage(self,to,subject,msg,files): if files : gmsg = libgmail.GmailComposedMessage(to,subject,msg,filenames=files) else: gmsg = libgmail.GmailComposedMessage(to, subject, msg ) try : if self.ga.sendMessage(gmsg): return 0 else: return 1 except Exception,err : print err return 1 class TOOLS : def extrPath(path): list=[] for root,dirs,files in os.walk(path): for f in files: list.append("%s/%s"%(root,f)) return list extrPath = staticmethod(extrPath) if __name__ == "__main__": to=subject=zip=None msg="" files=[] zip=[] # getopt try: opts,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 't:s:m:f:d:z:', [ 'to=', 'subject=', 'msg=', 'files=',"dir=","zip=" ]) except getopt.GetoptError,err: print str(err) sys.exit(2) for o,a in opts: if o in [[--to","-t]]: to = a elif o in [[--msg","-m]]: msg = a + "\n====================\n" elif o in [[--subject","-s]]: subject = a elif o in [[--files","-f]]: if a.find(';') > 0: files += a.split(';') else: files += a.replace('\n',' ').split(' ') elif o in [[--dir","-d]]: if a.find(';') > 0: files += a.split(';') else: files += a.replace('\n',' ').split(' ') elif o in [[--zip","-z]]: if a.find(';') > 0: zip += a.split(';') else: zip += a.replace('\n',' ').split(' ') # extrPath files += args if len(files)>0: msg += "\n=====FILE=====\n" for f in files: if os.path.isfile(f): msg += "%s\n"%f elif os.path.isdir(f): files.remove(f) ret = TOOLS.extrPath(f) files += ret; msg += "\n=====FOLDER[%s]=====\n"%f msg += "\n".join(ret) for f in zip: name=f.replace('/','_') cmd = "zip -r /tmp/%s.zip %s 1>/tmp/%s.log 2>&1"%(name,f,name) os.system(cmd) msg += "\n=====ZIP[%s]=======\n"%f msg += open("/tmp/%s.log"%name).read() os.unlink("/tmp/%s.log"%name) zip.remove(f) zip.append("/tmp/%s.zip"%name) files += zip #print msg #sys.exit(0) if not subject and len(files)>0: subject="Send %d files."%len(files) if not to or not subject: print """ Usage: msend -t user@domain.com -s title msend -t user@domain.com {-s title | -f file | -z file} Full command: msend --to=user@domain.com --subject=title [--msg=body] [--files="file1;dir2"] [--zip="file1;dir2"] Example: ( edit ~/.msend for default sender account ) msend -t user@domain.com -s "just a test" msend -t user@domain.com -s "send all pic" -f ./mypics/ msend -t user@domain.com -s "send files as zip" -z ./mytext/ msend -t user@domain.com -s "send both" -f mytext -z mytext """ sys.exit(3) conf = "%s/%s" % ( os.getenv("HOME"), ".msend" ) if not os.path.exists(conf): open(conf,"wb").write("yourname@gmail.com yourpassword") print """\n Edit $HOME/.msend first.\n""" sys.exit(3) myacct,passwd = open( conf ).read().split() gs = GmailSender( myacct,passwd ) if gs.sendMessage(to,subject,msg,files): print "FAIL" else: for f in zip: os.unlink(f) print "OK"