''' a regex-based JavaScript code compression kludge ''' import re class JSCompressor(object): def __init__(self, compressionLevel=2, measureCompression=False): ''' compressionLevel: 0 - no compression, script returned unchanged. For debugging only - try if you suspect that compression compromises your script 1 - Strip comments and empty lines, don't change line breaks and indentation (code remains readable) 2 - Additionally strip insignificant whitespace (code will become quite unreadable) measureCompression: append a comment stating the extent of compression ''' self.compressionLevel = compressionLevel self.measureCompression = measureCompression # a bunch of regexes used in compression # first, exempt string and regex literals from compression by transient substitution findLiterals = re.compile(r''' (\'.*?(?<=[^\\])\') | # single-quoted strings (\".*?(?<=[^\\])\") | # double-quoted strings ((?<![\*\/])\/(?![\/\*]).*?(?<![\\])\/) # JS regexes, trying hard not to be tripped up by comments ''', re.VERBOSE) # literals are temporarily replaced by numbered placeholders literalMarker = '@_@%d@_@' # temporary replacement backSubst = re.compile('@_@(\d+)@_@') # put the string literals back in mlc1 = re.compile(r'(\/\*.*?\*\/)') # /* ... */ comments on single line mlc = re.compile(r'(\/\*.*?\*\/)', re.DOTALL) # real multiline comments slc = re.compile('\/\/.*') # remove single line comments collapseWs = re.compile('(?<=\S)[ \t]+') # collapse successive non-leading white space characters into one squeeze = re.compile(''' \s+(?=[\}\]\)\:\&\|\=\;\,\.\+]) | # remove whitespace preceding control characters (?<=[\{\[\(\:\&\|\=\;\,\.\+])\s+ | # ... or following such [ \t]+(?=\W) | # remove spaces or tabs preceding non-word characters (?<=\W)[ \t]+ # ... or following such ''' , re.VERBOSE | re.DOTALL) def compress(self, script): ''' perform compression and return compressed script ''' if self.compressionLevel == 0: return script lengthBefore = len(script) # first, substitute string literals by placeholders to prevent the regexes messing with them literals = [] def insertMarker(mo): l = mo.group() literals.append(l) return self.literalMarker % (len(literals) - 1) script = self.findLiterals.sub(insertMarker, script) # now, to the literal-stripped carcass, apply some kludgy regexes for deflation... script = self.slc.sub('', script) # strip single line comments script = self.mlc1.sub(' ', script) # replace /* .. */ comments on single lines by space script = self.mlc.sub('\n', script) # replace real multiline comments by newlines # remove empty lines and trailing whitespace script = '\n'.join([l.rstrip() for l in script.splitlines() if l.strip()]) if self.compressionLevel == 2: # squeeze out any dispensible whitespace script = self.squeeze.sub('', script) elif self.compressionLevel == 1: # only collapse multiple whitespace characters script = self.collapseWs.sub(' ', script) # now back-substitute the string and regex literals def backsub(mo): return literals[int(mo.group(1))] script = self.backSubst.sub(backsub, script) if self.measureCompression: lengthAfter = float(len(script)) squeezedBy = int(100*(1-lengthAfter/lengthBefore)) script += '\n// squeezed out %s%%\n' % squeezedBy return script if __name__ == '__main__': script = ''' /* this is a totally useless multiline comment, containing a silly "quoted string", surrounded by several superfluous line breaks */ // and this is an equally important single line comment sth = "this string contains 'quotes', a /regex/ and a // comment yet it will survive compression"; function wurst(){ // this is a great function var hans = 33; } sthelse = 'and another useless string'; function hans(){ // another function var bill = 66; // successive spaces will be collapsed into one; var bob = 77 // this line break will be preserved b/c of lacking semicolon var george = 88; } ''' for x in range(1,3): print '\ncompression level', x, ':\n--------------' c = JSCompressor(compressionLevel=x, measureCompression=True) cpr = c.compress(script) print cpr print 'length', len(cpr)