core = {} core.block = {} core.score = 0 = 0 love.filesystem.setIdentity("2048") local function get_best() if not love.filesystem.exists("best") then = 0 return end ="best") = tonumber( end function core.initial() core.block = {} local pos1 = love.math.random(1, 16) local pos2 while true do pos2 = love.math.random(1, 16) if pos2 ~= pos1 then break end end local val val = love.math.random() if val < 0.8 then val = 2 else val = 4 end core.block[pos1] = val val = love.math.random() if val < 0.8 then val = 2 else val = 4 end core.block[pos2] = val core.score = 0 end function core.set_best() if core.score > then = core.score local ret, err = love.filesystem.write("best", end end function core.tblclone(t1, num) local t2 = {} for i = 1, num do t2[i] = t1[i] end return t2 end function core.isfull(testtbl) local block if testtbl then block = testtbl else block = core.block end for i = 1, 16 do if not block[i] then return false end end return true end local function combine(lstart, lend, lstep, rstart, rend, rstep, flag, testtbl) local index local tflag, block if testtbl then tflag = true block = testtbl else block = core.block end local cflag = false for i = lstart, lend, lstep do for j = rstart, rend, rstep do if flag == "up" then index = (i - 1) * 4 + j elseif flag == "down" then index = (i + 1) * 4 + j elseif flag == "left" then index = i * 4 + j - 1 else index = i * 4 + j + 1 end if block[index] and block[i * 4 + j] and block[index] == block[i * 4 + j] and block[index] < 2048 then cflag = true if tflag then return cflag end block[index] = 2 * block[i * 4 + j] block[i * 4 + j] = nil core.score = core.score + block[index] end end end return cflag end local function move(lstart, lend, lstep, rstart, rend, rstep, flag) local mflag = false local index, kstart, kend, kstep for i = lstart, lend, lstep do for j = rstart, rend, rstep do if flag == "up" then kstart = 0 kend = i - 1 kstep = 1 elseif flag == "down" then kstart = 3 kend = i + 1 kstep = -1 elseif flag == "left" then kstart = 1 kend = j - 1 kstep = 1 else kstart = 4 kend = j + 1 kstep = -1 end for k = kstart, kend, kstep do if flag == "up" or flag == "down" then index = k * 4 + j else index = i * 4 + k end if not core.block[index] and core.block[i * 4 + j] then core.block[index] = core.block[i * 4 + j] core.block[i * 4 + j] = nil mflag = true break end end end end return mflag end local function do_tsk(lstart, lend, lstep, rstart, rend, rstep, flag, testtbl) if testtbl then return combine(lstart, lend, lstep, rstart, rend, rstep, flag, testtbl) end local mret = move(lstart, lend, lstep, rstart, rend, rstep, flag) local cret = combine(lstart, lend, lstep, rstart, rend, rstep, flag) if not mret and not cret then return false end core.score = core.score + 1 move(lstart, lend, lstep, rstart, rend, rstep, flag) return true end function core.up_move(testtbl) return do_tsk(1, 3, 1, 1, 4, 1, "up", testtbl) end function core.down_move(testtbl) return do_tsk(2, 0, -1, 1, 4, 1,"down", testtbl) end function core.left_move(testtbl) return do_tsk(0, 3, 1, 2, 4, 1, "left", testtbl) end function core.right_move(testtbl) return do_tsk(0, 3, 1, 3, 1, -1, "right", testtbl) end function core.new_block() local val = love.math.random() if val < 0.8 then val = 2 else val = 4 end local empty_tbl = {} for i = 1, 16 do if not core.block[i] then table.insert(empty_tbl, i) end end if #empty_tbl == 1 then return {index = empty_tbl[1], value = val} end local pos = love.math.random(1, #empty_tbl) return {index = empty_tbl[pos], value = val} end get_best() return core