#!/usr/bin/perl #server.pl #use strict; use Socket; use constant IPADDR => ''; use constant PORT => 4000; use constant MAX_RECV_LEN => 100; my $local_host = gethostbyname(IPADDR); my $local_port = PORT; my $proto = getprotobyname('udp'); my $local_addr = sockaddr_in($local_port, $local_host); socket(DHCP_SOCK ,PF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,$proto) or die "socket() failed: $!"; bind(DHCP_SOCK ,$local_addr); my $all; my $myall=[]; while( 1 ) { my $my_all = recv( DHCP_SOCK, $all, MAX_RECV_LEN ,0 ) or warn "Problem with recv all"; @myall=split(/;/,$all); my $ipaddr = @myall[0]; my $macaddr = @myall[1]; my $net = @myall[2]; my $opt = @myall[3]; my $username = @myall[4]; if ( $my_all ){ # my( $the_port, $the_ip ) = sockaddr_in( $my_all ); #system("(echo %date:~0,10% %time:~0,5% ip:$ipaddr,mac:$macaddr,net:$net,opt:$opt,user:$username )"); system("(echo %date:~0,10% %time:~0,5% ip:$ipaddr,mac:$macaddr,net:$net,opt:$opt,user:$username >> e:\\bat\\dhcp_debug.log )"); if ( $opt eq 'addmac') { system("(echo %date:~0,10% %time:~0,5% add $ipaddr $macaddr $username >> e:\\bat\\dhcp_server.log )"); system("(netsh dhcp server scope $net add reservedip $ipaddr $macaddr $username $username BOTH ||echo %date:~0,10% %time:~0,5% false add >> e:\\bat\\dhcp_server.log)"); } elsif ( $opt eq 'rmvmac') { system("(echo %date:~0,10% %time:~0,5% delete $ipaddr $macaddr >> e:\\bat\\dhcp_server.log )"); system("(netsh dhcp server scope $net delete reservedip $ipaddr $macaddr ||echo %date:~0,10% %time:~0,5% false delete >> e:\\bat\\dhcp_server.log )"); } } else { warn "Problem with recv: @!\n"; } }