#!/bin/bash user="" password="" database="" table="" rows=$(mysql -u$user -p$password $database -e "select DISTINCT EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH from (ActionTime)) as 'month' from $table;") #echo $rows table_name='' for tag in ${rows[@]} do #echo "$tag" if [ $tag = "month" ];then continue fi table_name="$table_name""$table""_""$tag"" "; done echo "${table_name}" for table_i in ${table_name[@]} do mysql -u$user -p$password $database << EOF 2>/dev/null CREATE TABLE $table_i( 表结构 ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; EOF [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "Created table $table_i" || echo "Table $table_i already exist" temp=${table_i##*_} startdate=${temp:0:4}'-'${temp:4}'-01' enddate=${temp:0:4}'-'${temp:4}'-31' echo "startdate=${startdate}, enddate=${enddate}" total_rows=$(mysql -u$user -p$password $database -N -e "select count(*) from $table where ActionTime BETWEEN '$startdate' and '$enddate';") echo '总行数='"${total_rows}" page_size=1000 page_num=0 mod=`expr $total_rows % $page_size` echo '取摸='"${mod}" if [ $mod -gt 1 ];then page_num=`expr $total_rows / $page_size + 1` else page_num=`expr $total_rows / $page_size` fi echo '总页数='"${page_num}" add_size=0 for((i=0;i<$page_num;i++)) do mysql -r$root -p$password $database << EOF 2>/dev/null INSERT INTO $table_i SELECT * FROM PageView WHERE $table.ActionTime BETWEEN '$startdate' AND '$enddate' LIMIT $add_size,$page_size; EOF add_size=`expr $add_size + $page_size` done done echo "sharding $table successful!"