#!/bin/bash #Author: Castle Liu #Description: upload a file or excute a script on remote servers #Usage: excute_cmd.sh -l {hosts_list} -f {script_file} -d /tmp ####functions### #help #function used to print help info. help() { cat <<EOF -l preferred,the list file of hosts,1st host,2nd user name,and,optional,3st password for the user. -f preferred,the file to upload. -d preferred,directory to place the file uploaded. -p optional,remote sshd listen port,if not provided,use 22 as default. -L optional,log file path to save excute log,if not provided,use "excute_cmd.log" as default. -S optional,selected if chosed to use sudo -e optional,if selected,will excute the script file -h print help info. EOF } #help #parse_args #function to parse paremeters. #do pass in the args from shell,for example:parse_args $* parse_args(){ while getopts "hl:f:d:p:L:Se" arg do case ${arg} in h) help exit 0 ;; l) export _HOST_F=${OPTARG} ;; f) export _SCRIPT_F=${OPTARG} ;; d) export _DIR_R=${OPTARG} ;; p) export _PORT_R=${OPTARG} ;; L) export _LOG_F=${OPTARG} ;; S) export _USE_SUDO=true ;; e) export _EXC_F=true ;; ?) echo "Unknown argument,exit..." exit 1 ;; esac done #echo ${_HOST_F},${_SCRIPT_F} } #parse_args $* #scp_file #function to scp a file to a remote server. #$1,Remote host ip addresss #$2,Remote user name #$3,Remote user password #$4,The file to be copied local #$5,Remote loacation of the script to be copied,can be a directory ora absulote file name #$6,The remote sshd port in use scp_file() { _host_r=$1 _user_r=$2 _passwd_r=$3 _script_l=$4 _script_r=$5 _port_r=$6 sed -i "/${_host_r}/d" ~/.ssh/known_hosts expect << EXPECT_EOF >> .runninglog spawn scp -P ${_port_r} ${_script_l} ${_user_r}@${_host_r}:${_script_r} expect "continue connecting (yes/no)?" {send "yes\n"} expect "password:" {send "${_passwd_r}\n"} expect off EXPECT_EOF } #excute_script_with_sudo #function to excute a script on remote server and scp back the running log,sudo will be used. #$1,Remote host ip addresss #$2,Remote user name #$3,Remote user password #$4,The script to be excuted in remote server,must be a absulote file name #$5,The remote sshd port in use excute_script_with_sudo () { _host_r=$1 _user_r=$2 _passwd_r=$3 _script_r=$4 _port_r=$5 _log_r=`dirname ${_script_r}`"/.tmpexc.log" expect << EXPECT_EOF >> .runninglog spawn ssh -p ${_port_r} ${_user_r}@${_host_r} -C \""sudo su - -c \"bash ${_script_r} > ${_log_r}\""\" expect "password:" {send "${_passwd_r}\n"} expect "*password*" {send "${_passwd_r}\n"} expect off spawn ssh -p ${_port_r} ${_user_r}@${_host_r} -C \""sudo su - -c \"chown ${_user_r} ${_log_r}\""\" expect "password:" {send "${_passwd_r}\n"} expect "*password*" {send "${_passwd_r}\n"} expect off spawn scp -P ${_port_r} ${_user_r}@${_host_r}:${_log_r} ./${_host_r}.log.tmp expect "password:" {send "${_passwd_r}\n"} expect off spawn ssh -p ${_port_r} ${_user_r}@${_host_r} -C "rm -rf ${_log_r};rm -rf ${_script_r}" expect "password:" {send "${_passwd_r}\n"} expect off EXPECT_EOF } #excute_script #function to excute a script on remote server and scp back the running log,sudo will be used. #$1,Remote host ip addresss #$2,Remote user name #$3,Remote user password #$4,The script to be excuted in remote server,must be a absulote file name #$5,The remote sshd port in use excute_script () { _host_r=$1 _user_r=$2 _passwd_r=$3 _script_r=$4 _port_r=$5 _log_r=`dirname ${_script_r}`"/.tmpexc.log" expect << EXPECT_EOF >> .runninglog spawn ssh -p ${_port_r} ${_user_r}@${_host_r} -C "bash ${_script_r} > ${_log_r}" expect "password:" {send "${_passwd_r}\n"} expect off spawn scp -P ${_port_r} ${_user_r}@${_host_r}:${_log_r} ./${_host_r}.log.tmp expect "password:" {send "${_passwd_r}\n"} expect off spawn ssh -p ${_port_r} ${_user_r}@${_host_r} -C "rm -rf ${_log_r};rm -rf ${_script_r}" expect "password:" {send "${_passwd_r}\n"} expect off EXPECT_EOF } #handle_excute_log #function to uniq the log file excute remotely and scp back. #$1,the final log file to be make #$2,the host list file,using awk -F [,],so the file must be seperated by ',',and the field 1 will be used. handle_excute_log() { _log_l=$1 _host_l=$2 echo "###Handling Log###" if [[ -f ${_log_l} ]];then echo "log file exist,will be move as .bak..." mv ${_log_l} ${_log_l}.bak fi cat ${_host_l}|awk -F [,] '{print $1}'|while read _host do if [[ "${host}" != "EOF" ]];then _tmp_l=${_host}.log.tmp echo "###################" >> ${_log_l} echo "###${_host} excute log begin...." >> ${_log_l} cat ${_tmp_l} >> ${_log_l} echo "###${_host}'s excute log ended." >> ${_log_l} echo "###################" >> ${_log_l} echo "" >> ${_log_l} rm -rf ${_tmp_l} fi done } #excute_script shell shell /home/shell/test.sh #handle_excute_log ##$$main$$## #parsing the args parse_args $* export _LOG_F=${_LOG_F:-'excute_cmd.log'} export _PORT_R=${_PORT_R:-'22'} #check the required file valid or not if [[ ! -f ${_HOST_F} ]];then echo 'The host_list file not valid,please retry!!!' exit 1 fi if [[ ! -f ${_SCRIPT_F} ]];then echo 'The script file not valid,please retry!!!' exit 1 fi #read in password read -t 20 -s -p "Enter password for ${_HOST},just [enter] if provided by file:" _PASSWD #excute script file one by one according to _HOST_F cat ${_HOST_F}|while read _LINE do if [[ ${_LINE} != "EOF" ]];then _HOST=`echo ${_LINE}|awk -F [,] '{print $1}'` _USER=`echo ${_LINE}|awk -F [,] '{print $2}'` #check if password is provided. if [[ "${_PASSWD}"x == ""x ]];then _PASSWD=`echo ${_LINE}|awk -F [,] '{print $3}'` if [[ "${_PASSWD}"x == ""x ]];then echo "" echo "Password needed,please retry." exit 1 fi fi echo "Handling ${_HOST}......" #upload file to remote server. scp_file ${_HOST} ${_USER} ${_PASSWD} ${_SCRIPT_F} ${_DIR_R} ${_PORT_R} #excute the script if "-e" is selected. if [[ ${_EXC_F} ]];then echo "${_SCRIPT_F} will be excuted on ${_HOST}." _NAME_F=`basename ${_SCRIPT_F}` _SCRIPT_R="${_DIR_R}/${_NAME_F}" #use excute_script_with_sudo if "-S" is selected if [[ ${_USE_SUDO} ]];then echo "Script will be excuted with sudo." excute_script_with_sudo ${_HOST} ${_USER} ${_PASSWD} ${_SCRIPT_R} ${_PORT_R} else excute_script ${_HOST} ${_USER} ${_PASSWD} ${_SCRIPT_R} ${_PORT_R} fi fi echo "${_HOST} done." fi done #collect the log file if [[ ${_EXC_F} ]];then handle_excute_log ${_LOG_F} ${_HOST_F} fi