#!/bin/bash #------------------------------------------------------- #TITLE: Postfix Mail Log Handle #AUTHOR: HankZhou #TIME: 2013/07/17 #VERSION: 0.5V #------------------------------------------------------- #To determine whether a file exists if [ ! -e $1 ] then printf "$1 No such file or directory\n\r" exit 0 fi dirName="maillog"$(date +%y%m%d%H%M%S) #To determine whether a directory exists if [ -d $dirName ] then printf "Folder already exists\n\r" exit 0 fi mkdir $dirName #Sented File handling cat $1 | \ awk '{if(match($12,/^status=sent$/)) {mat=match($7,/[a-zA-Z0-9\_]+\@[a-zA-Z0-9\_\.]/); lenMatch=length($7); matched=substr($7,5,lenMatch-6); timeOri=$1" "$2" "$3; cmd="date \""timeOri"\" \"+%Y/%m/%d %T \""; cmd|getline time; lenTime=length(time); timeH=substr(time,0,lenTime-1); print timeH","matched ",Message accepted"}}' | \ awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} {a[$2]++;a[$0]++; if(a[$2]<2) {print $0}}' \ >./$dirName/sented.csv #calculate number of lines lines=$(awk '{b++;}END{print b}' ./$dirName/sented.csv) printf "**\n\rSented mail has been generated.\n\r" printf "Totle of $lines lines\n\r" #Error File handling cat $1 | \ awk '{if(match($12,/^status=(deferred|bounced|expired)$/)) {mat=match($7,/[a-zA-Z0-9\_]+\@[a-zA-Z0-9\_\.]/); lenMatch=length($7); matched=substr($7,5,lenMatch-6); timeOri=$1" "$2" "$3; cmd="date -d \""timeOri"\" \"+%Y/%m/%d %T \""; cmd|getline time; lenTime=length(time); timeH=substr(time,0,lenTime-1); printf timeH","matched","; printf substr($12,8); for (i=13;i<=NF;i++){printf $i" "}; print "\n";}}' | \ awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} {a[$2]++;a[$0]++; if(a[$2]<2) {print $0}}' \ >./$dirName/ErrorMail.csv lines=$(awk '{b++;}END{print b}' ./$dirName/ErrorMail.csv) printf "**\n\rError mail has been generated.\n\r" printf "Totle of $lines lines\n\r"