@REM 根据用户输入,删除指定目录及子目录下所有.svn目录 @echo off :inputPath set DESTINATION_PATH=: set /p DESTINATION_PATH="Please input the root directory need to clear the svn folders , press enter ! :" if not exist %DESTINATION_PATH% ( @echo [Warn] The input directory does not exist ! Input again please! goto inputPath ) echo Root directory is : %DESTINATION_PATH% :inputChoice @REM 获取输入,根据输入进行处理 set choice=: set /p choice="Clear the svn folders under the %DESTINATION_PATH% ?[Y/N/Q] :" @REM 把引号“"”替换成空字符 set "choice=%choice:"=%" if "%choice%"=="y" goto clean if "%choice%"=="Y" goto clean if "%choice%"=="n" goto noClean if "%choice%"=="N" goto noClean if "%choice%"=="q" goto end if "%choice%"=="Q" goto end goto inputChoice :clean @REM 主处理过程,执行清理工作 @echo on @REM /d:只搜索目录 批处理中使用%%i标识变量 dos窗口使用%i标识 @for /d /r %DESTINATION_PATH% %%i in (.svn) do @if exist %%i ( rd /s /q %%i & echo Delete folder : %%i) @echo off echo "Clear the svn folders under the %DESTINATION_PATH% is ok !" goto end :noClean @REM 分支过程,取消清理工作 echo "Operation cancel !" goto end :end @REM 退出程序 pause