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        .score {
            color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
            font-size: 16px;
            font-weight: bold;
            padding-top: 5px;
            text-align: center;


        .stage {
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            left: 0;
            margin: auto;
            position: absolute;
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            top: 0;
            z-index: 2;

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            border-left: 4px solid transparent;
            border-right: 4px solid transparent;

        .tile.down:before {
            border-top: 4px inset rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15);
            border-left: 4px solid transparent;
            border-right: 4px solid transparent;

        .tile.left:before {
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            border-top: 4px solid transparent;
            border-bottom: 4px solid transparent;

        .tile.right:before {
            border-left: 4px inset rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15);
            border-top: 4px solid transparent;
            border-bottom: 4px solid transparent;

        @media (max-width: 900px), (max-height: 900px) {
            .tile.right:before {
                border-width: 3px;

        @media (max-width: 500px), (max-height: 500px) {
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        .tile.pressed {
            background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
            box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
            transition-duration: 0ms;
<div>分数:<span class="score">0</span></div>

<div class="stage"></div>

<script src="prefixfree.min.js"></script>
<script src="modernizr.min.js"></script>

    (function(){ 'use strict';

        /*Request Animation Frame*/
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                        function() {
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                        }, timeToCall );
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    /*DOM Manipulation*/

    (function(){ 'use strict';

        function hasClass( elem, className ) {
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        function addClass( elem, className ) {
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        function removeClass( elem, className ) {
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    g = {};

    (function(){ 'use strict';


        g.m = Math;
        g.mathProps = 'E LN10 LN2 LOG2E LOG10E PI SQRT1_2 SQRT2 abs acos asin atan ceil cos exp floor log round sin sqrt tan atan2 pow max min'.split( ' ' );
        for ( var i = 0; i < g.mathProps.length; i++ ) {
            g[ g.mathProps[ i ] ] = g.m[ g.mathProps[ i ] ];
        g.m.TWO_PI = g.m.PI * 2;


        g.isset = function( prop ) {
            return typeof prop != 'undefined';

        g.log = function() {
            if( g.isset( g.config ) && g.config.debug && window.console ){
                console.log( Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments ) );



    (function(){ 'use strict';

        g.Group = function() {
            this.collection = [];
            this.length = 0;

        g.Group.prototype.add = function( item ) {
            this.collection.push( item );

        g.Group.prototype.remove = function( index ) {
            if( index < this.length ) {
                this.collection.splice( index, 1 );

        g.Group.prototype.empty = function() {
            this.collection.length = 0;
            this.length = 0;

        g.Group.prototype.each = function( action, asc ) {
            var asc = asc || 0,
            if( asc ) {
                for( i = 0; i < this.length; i++ ) {
                    this.collection[ i ][ action ]( i );
            } else {
                i = this.length;
                while( i-- ) {
                    this.collection[ i ][ action ]( i );



    (function(){ 'use strict';

        g.util = {};


        g.util.rand = function( min, max ) {
            return g.m.random() * ( max - min ) + min;

        g.util.randInt = function( min, max ) {
            return g.m.floor( g.m.random() * ( max - min + 1) ) + min;



    (function(){ 'use strict';

        g.states = {};

        g.addState = function( state ) {
            g.states[ state.name ] = state;

        g.setState = function( name ) {
            if( g.state ) {
                g.states[ g.state ].exit();
            g.state = name;
            g.states[ g.state ].init();

        g.currentState = function() {
            return g.states[ g.state ];



    (function(){ 'use strict';

        g.Time = function() {

        g.Time.prototype.reset = function() {
            this.now = Date.now();
            this.last = Date.now();
            this.delta = 60;
            this.ndelta = 1;
            this.elapsed = 0;
            this.nelapsed = 0;
            this.tick = 0;

        g.Time.prototype.update = function() {
            this.now = Date.now();
            this.delta = this.now - this.last;
            this.ndelta = Math.min( Math.max( this.delta / ( 1000 / 60 ), 0.0001 ), 10 );
            this.elapsed += this.delta;
            this.nelapsed += this.ndelta;
            this.last = this.now;


    /*Grid Entity*/

    (function(){ 'use strict';

        g.Grid = function( cols, rows ) {
            this.cols = cols;
            this.rows = rows;
            this.tiles = [];
            for( var x = 0; x < cols; x++ ) {
                this.tiles[ x ] = [];
                for( var y = 0; y < rows; y++ ) {
                    this.tiles[ x ].push( 'empty' );

        g.Grid.prototype.get = function( x, y ) {
            return this.tiles[ x ][ y ];

        g.Grid.prototype.set = function( x, y, val ) {
            this.tiles[ x ][ y ] = val;


    /*Board Tile Entity*/

    (function(){ 'use strict';

        g.BoardTile = function( opt ) {
            this.parentState = opt.parentState;
            this.parentGroup = opt.parentGroup;
            this.col = opt.col;
            this.row = opt.row;
            this.x = opt.x;
            this.y = opt.y;
            this.z = 0;
            this.w = opt.w;
            this.h = opt.h;
            this.elem = document.createElement( 'div' );
            this.elem.style.position = 'absolute';
            this.elem.className = 'tile';
            this.parentState.stageElem.appendChild( this.elem );
            this.classes = {
                pressed: 0,
                path: 0,
                up: 0,
                down: 0,
                left: 0,
                right: 0

        g.BoardTile.prototype.update = function() {
            for( var k in this.classes ) {
                if( this.classes[ k ] ) {
                    this.classes[ k ]--;

            if( this.parentState.food.tile.col == this.col || this.parentState.food.tile.row == this.row ) {
                this.classes.path = 1;
                if( this.col < this.parentState.food.tile.col ) {
                    this.classes.right = 1;
                } else {
                    this.classes.right = 0;
                if( this.col > this.parentState.food.tile.col ) {
                    this.classes.left = 1;
                } else {
                    this.classes.left = 0;
                if( this.row > this.parentState.food.tile.row ) {
                    this.classes.up = 1;
                } else {
                    this.classes.up = 0;
                if( this.row < this.parentState.food.tile.row ) {
                    this.classes.down = 1;
                } else {
                    this.classes.down = 0;
            } else {
                this.classes.path = 0;

            if( this.parentState.food.eaten ) {
                this.classes.path = 0;

        g.BoardTile.prototype.updateDimensions = function() {
            this.x = this.col * this.parentState.tileWidth;
            this.y = this.row * this.parentState.tileHeight;
            this.w = this.parentState.tileWidth - this.parentState.spacing;
            this.h = this.parentState.tileHeight - this.parentState.spacing;
            this.elem.style.left = this.x + 'px';
            this.elem.style.top = this.y + 'px';
            this.elem.style.width = this.w + 'px';
            this.elem.style.height = this.h + 'px';

        g.BoardTile.prototype.render = function() {
            var classString = '';
            for( var k in this.classes ) {
                if( this.classes[ k ] ) {
                    classString += k + ' ';
            this.elem.className = 'tile ' + classString;


    /*Snake Tile Entity*/

    (function(){ 'use strict';

        g.SnakeTile = function( opt ) {
            this.parentState = opt.parentState;
            this.parentGroup = opt.parentGroup;
            this.col = opt.col;
            this.row = opt.row;
            this.x = opt.x;
            this.y = opt.y;
            this.w = opt.w;
            this.h = opt.h;
            this.color = null;
            this.scale = 1;
            this.rotation = 0;
            this.blur = 0;
            this.alpha = 1;
            this.borderRadius = 0;
            this.borderRadiusAmount = 0;
            this.elem = document.createElement( 'div' );
            this.elem.style.position = 'absolute';
            this.parentState.stageElem.appendChild( this.elem );

        g.SnakeTile.prototype.update = function( i ) {
            this.x = this.col * this.parentState.tileWidth;
            this.y = this.row * this.parentState.tileHeight;
            if( i == 0 ) {
                this.color = '#fff';
                this.blur = this.parentState.dimAvg * 0.03 + Math.sin( this.parentState.time.elapsed / 200 ) * this.parentState.dimAvg * 0.015;
                if( this.parentState.snake.dir == 'n' ) {
                    this.borderRadius = this.borderRadiusAmount + '% ' + this.borderRadiusAmount + '% 0 0';
                } else if( this.parentState.snake.dir == 's' ) {
                    this.borderRadius = '0 0 ' + this.borderRadiusAmount + '% ' + this.borderRadiusAmount + '%';
                } else if( this.parentState.snake.dir == 'e' ) {
                    this.borderRadius = '0 ' + this.borderRadiusAmount + '% ' + this.borderRadiusAmount + '% 0';
                } else if( this.parentState.snake.dir == 'w' ) {
                    this.borderRadius = this.borderRadiusAmount + '% 0 0 ' + this.borderRadiusAmount + '%';
            } else {
                this.color = '#fff';
                this.blur = 0;
                this.borderRadius = '0';
            this.alpha = 1 - ( i / this.parentState.snake.tiles.length ) * 0.6;
            this.rotation = ( this.parentState.snake.justAteTick / this.parentState.snake.justAteTickMax ) * 90;
            this.scale = 1 + ( this.parentState.snake.justAteTick / this.parentState.snake.justAteTickMax ) * 1;

        g.SnakeTile.prototype.updateDimensions = function() {
            this.w = this.parentState.tileWidth - this.parentState.spacing;
            this.h = this.parentState.tileHeight - this.parentState.spacing;

        g.SnakeTile.prototype.render = function( i ) {
            this.elem.style.left = this.x + 'px';
            this.elem.style.top = this.y + 'px';
            this.elem.style.width = this.w + 'px';
            this.elem.style.height = this.h + 'px';
            this.elem.style.backgroundColor = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, ' + this.alpha + ')';
            this.elem.style.boxShadow = '0 0 ' + this.blur + 'px #fff';
            this.elem.style.borderRadius = this.borderRadius;


    /*Food Tile Entity*/

    (function(){ 'use strict';

        g.FoodTile = function( opt ) {
            this.parentState = opt.parentState;
            this.parentGroup = opt.parentGroup;
            this.col = opt.col;
            this.row = opt.row;
            this.x = opt.x;
            this.y = opt.y;
            this.w = opt.w;
            this.h = opt.h;
            this.blur = 0;
            this.scale = 1;
            this.hue = 100;
            this.opacity = 0;
            this.elem = document.createElement( 'div' );
            this.elem.style.position = 'absolute';
            this.parentState.stageElem.appendChild( this.elem );

        g.FoodTile.prototype.update = function() {
            this.x = this.col * this.parentState.tileWidth;
            this.y = this.row * this.parentState.tileHeight;
            this.blur = this.parentState.dimAvg * 0.03 + Math.sin( this.parentState.time.elapsed / 200 ) * this.parentState.dimAvg * 0.015;
            this.scale = 0.8 + Math.sin( this.parentState.time.elapsed / 200 ) * 0.2;

            if( this.parentState.food.birthTick || this.parentState.food.deathTick ) {
                if( this.parentState.food.birthTick ) {
                    this.opacity = 1 - ( this.parentState.food.birthTick / 1 ) * 1;
                } else {
                    this.opacity = ( this.parentState.food.deathTick / 1 ) * 1;
            } else {
                this.opacity = 1;

        g.FoodTile.prototype.updateDimensions = function() {
            this.w = this.parentState.tileWidth - this.parentState.spacing;
            this.h = this.parentState.tileHeight - this.parentState.spacing;

        g.FoodTile.prototype.render = function() {
            this.elem.style.left = this.x + 'px';
            this.elem.style.top = this.y + 'px';
            this.elem.style.width = this.w + 'px';
            this.elem.style.height = this.h + 'px';
            this.elem.style[ Modernizr.prefixed( 'transform' ) ] = 'translateZ(0) scale(' + this.scale + ')';
            this.elem.style.backgroundColor = 'hsla(' + this.hue + ', 100%, 60%, 1)';
            this.elem.style.boxShadow = '0 0 ' + this.blur + 'px hsla(' + this.hue + ', 100%, 60%, 1)';
            this.elem.style.opacity = this.opacity;


    /*Snake Entity*/

    (function(){ 'use strict';

        g.Snake = function( opt ) {
            this.parentState = opt.parentState;
            this.dir = 'e',
                    this.currDir = this.dir;
            this.tiles = [];
            for( var i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {
                this.tiles.push( new g.SnakeTile({
                    parentState: this.parentState,
                    parentGroup: this.tiles,
                    col: 8 - i,
                    row: 3,
                    x: ( 8 - i ) * opt.parentState.tileWidth,
                    y: 3 * opt.parentState.tileHeight,
                    w: opt.parentState.tileWidth - opt.parentState.spacing,
                    h: opt.parentState.tileHeight - opt.parentState.spacing
            this.last = 0;
            this.updateTick = 10;
            this.updateTickMax = this.updateTick;
            this.updateTickLimit = 3;
            this.updateTickChange = 0.2;
            this.deathFlag = 0;
            this.justAteTick = 0;
            this.justAteTickMax = 1;
            this.justAteTickChange = 0.05;

            // sync data grid of the play state
            var i = this.tiles.length;

            while( i-- ) {
                this.parentState.grid.set( this.tiles[ i ].col, this.tiles[ i ].row, 'snake' );

        g.Snake.prototype.updateDimensions = function() {
            var i = this.tiles.length;
            while( i-- ) {
                this.tiles[ i ].updateDimensions();

        g.Snake.prototype.update = function() {
            if( this.parentState.keys.up ) {
                if( this.dir != 's' && this.dir != 'n' && this.currDir != 's' && this.currDir != 'n' ) {
                    this.dir = 'n';
            } else if( this.parentState.keys.down) {
                if( this.dir != 'n' && this.dir != 's' && this.currDir != 'n' && this.currDir != 's' ) {
                    this.dir = 's';
            } else if( this.parentState.keys.right ) {
                if( this.dir != 'w' && this.dir != 'e' && this.currDir != 'w' && this.currDir != 'e' ) {
                    this.dir = 'e';
            } else if( this.parentState.keys.left ) {
                if( this.dir != 'e' && this.dir != 'w' && this.currDir != 'e' && this.currDir != 'w' ) {
                    this.dir = 'w';

            this.parentState.keys.up = 0;
            this.parentState.keys.down = 0;
            this.parentState.keys.right = 0;
            this.parentState.keys.left = 0;

            this.updateTick += this.parentState.time.ndelta;
            if( this.updateTick >= this.updateTickMax ) {
                // reset the update timer to 0, or whatever leftover there is
                this.updateTick = ( this.updateTick - this.updateTickMax );

                // rotate snake block array
                this.tiles.unshift( new g.SnakeTile({
                    parentState: this.parentState,
                    parentGroup: this.tiles,
                    col: this.tiles[ 0 ].col,
                    row: this.tiles[ 0 ].row,
                    x: this.tiles[ 0 ].col * this.parentState.tileWidth,
                    y: this.tiles[ 0 ].row * this.parentState.tileHeight,
                    w: this.parentState.tileWidth - this.parentState.spacing,
                    h: this.parentState.tileHeight - this.parentState.spacing
                this.last = this.tiles.pop();
                this.parentState.stageElem.removeChild( this.last.elem );

                this.parentState.boardTiles.collection[ this.last.col + ( this.last.row * this.parentState.cols ) ].classes.pressed = 2;

                // sync data grid of the play state
                var i = this.tiles.length;

                while( i-- ) {
                    this.parentState.grid.set( this.tiles[ i ].col, this.tiles[ i ].row, 'snake' );
                this.parentState.grid.set( this.last.col, this.last.row, 'empty' );

                // move the snake's head
                if ( this.dir == 'n' ) {
                    this.currDir = 'n';
                    this.tiles[ 0 ].row -= 1;
                } else if( this.dir == 's' ) {
                    this.currDir = 's';
                    this.tiles[ 0 ].row += 1;
                } else if( this.dir == 'w' ) {
                    this.currDir = 'w';
                    this.tiles[ 0 ].col -= 1;
                } else if( this.dir == 'e' ) {
                    this.currDir = 'e';
                    this.tiles[ 0 ].col += 1;

                // wrap walls
                this.wallFlag = false;
                if( this.tiles[ 0 ].col >= this.parentState.cols ) {
                    this.tiles[ 0 ].col = 0;
                    this.wallFlag = true;
                if( this.tiles[ 0 ].col < 0 ) {
                    this.tiles[ 0 ].col = this.parentState.cols - 1;
                    this.wallFlag = true;
                if( this.tiles[ 0 ].row >= this.parentState.rows ) {
                    this.tiles[ 0 ].row = 0;
                    this.wallFlag = true;
                if( this.tiles[ 0 ].row < 0 ) {
                    this.tiles[ 0 ].row = this.parentState.rows - 1;
                    this.wallFlag = true;

                // check death by eating self
                if( this.parentState.grid.get( this.tiles[ 0 ].col, this.tiles[ 0 ].row ) == 'snake' ) {
                    this.deathFlag = 1;
                    clearTimeout( this.foodCreateTimeout );

                // check eating of food
                if( this.parentState.grid.get( this.tiles[ 0 ].col, this.tiles[ 0 ].row ) == 'food' ) {
                    this.tiles.push( new g.SnakeTile({
                        parentState: this.parentState,
                        parentGroup: this.tiles,
                        col: this.last.col,
                        row: this.last.row,
                        x: this.last.col * this.parentState.tileWidth,
                        y: this.last.row * this.parentState.tileHeight,
                        w: this.parentState.tileWidth - this.parentState.spacing,
                        h: this.parentState.tileHeight - this.parentState.spacing
                    if( this.updateTickMax - this.updateTickChange > this.updateTickLimit ) {
                        this.updateTickMax -= this.updateTickChange;
                    this.parentState.scoreElem.innerHTML = this.parentState.score;
                    this.justAteTick = this.justAteTickMax;

                    this.parentState.food.eaten = 1;
                    this.parentState.stageElem.removeChild( this.parentState.food.tile.elem );

                    var _this = this;

                    this.foodCreateTimeout = setTimeout( function() {
                        _this.parentState.food = new g.Food({
                            parentState: _this.parentState
                    }, 300);

                // check death by eating self
                if( this.deathFlag ) {
                    g.setState( 'play' );

            // update individual snake tiles
            var i = this.tiles.length;
            while( i-- ) {
                this.tiles[ i ].update( i );

            if( this.justAteTick > 0 ) {
                this.justAteTick -= this.justAteTickChange;
            } else if( this.justAteTick < 0 ) {
                this.justAteTick = 0;

        g.Snake.prototype.render = function() {
            // render individual snake tiles
            var i = this.tiles.length;
            while( i-- ) {
                this.tiles[ i ].render( i );


    /*Food Entity*/

    (function(){ 'use strict';

        g.Food = function( opt ) {
            this.parentState = opt.parentState;
            this.tile = new g.FoodTile({
                parentState: this.parentState,
                col: 0,
                row: 0,
                x: 0,
                y: 0,
                w: opt.parentState.tileWidth - opt.parentState.spacing,
                h: opt.parentState.tileHeight - opt.parentState.spacing
            this.eaten = 0;
            this.birthTick = 1;
            this.deathTick = 0;
            this.birthTickChange = 0.025;
            this.deathTickChange = 0.05;

        g.Food.prototype.reset = function() {
            var empty = [];
            for( var x = 0; x < this.parentState.cols; x++) {
                for( var y = 0; y < this.parentState.rows; y++) {
                    var tile = this.parentState.grid.get( x, y );
                    if( tile == 'empty' ) {
                        empty.push( { x: x, y: y } );
            var newTile = empty[ g.util.randInt( 0, empty.length - 1 ) ];
            this.tile.col = newTile.x;
            this.tile.row = newTile.y;

        g.Food.prototype.updateDimensions = function() {

        g.Food.prototype.update = function() {
            // update food tile

            if( this.birthTick > 0 ) {
                this.birthTick -= this.birthTickChange;
            } else if( this.birthTick < 0 ) {
                this.birthTick = 0;

            // sync data grid of the play state
            this.parentState.grid.set( this.tile.col, this.tile.row, 'food' );

        g.Food.prototype.render = function() {



     Play State


    (function(){ 'use strict';

        function StatePlay() {
            this.name = 'play';

        StatePlay.prototype.init = function() {
            this.scoreElem = document.querySelector( '.score' );
            this.stageElem = document.querySelector( '.stage' );
            this.dimLong = 28;
            this.dimShort = 16;
            this.padding = 0.25;
            this.boardTiles = new g.Group();
            this.keys = {};
            this.foodCreateTimeout = null;
            this.score = 0;
            this.scoreElem.innerHTML = this.score;
            this.time = new g.Time();
            if( this.winWidth < this.winHeight ) {
                this.rows = this.dimLong;
                this.cols = this.dimShort;
            } else {
                this.rows = this.dimShort;
                this.cols = this.dimLong;
            this.spacing = 1;
            this.grid = new g.Grid( this.cols, this.rows );
            this.snake = new g.Snake({
                parentState: this
            this.food = new g.Food({
                parentState: this

        StatePlay.prototype.getDimensions = function() {
            this.winWidth = window.innerWidth;
            this.winHeight = window.innerHeight;
            this.activeWidth = this.winWidth - ( this.winWidth * this.padding );
            this.activeHeight = this.winHeight - ( this.winHeight * this.padding );

        StatePlay.prototype.resize = function() {
            var _this = g.currentState();


            _this.stageRatio = _this.rows / _this.cols;

            if( _this.activeWidth > _this.activeHeight / _this.stageRatio ) {
                _this.stageHeight = _this.activeHeight;
                _this.stageElem.style.height = _this.stageHeight + 'px';
                _this.stageWidth = Math.floor( _this.stageHeight /_this.stageRatio );
                _this.stageElem.style.width = _this.stageWidth + 'px';
            } else {
                _this.stageWidth = _this.activeWidth;
                _this.stageElem.style.width = _this.stageWidth + 'px';
                _this.stageHeight = Math.floor( _this.stageWidth * _this.stageRatio );
                _this.stageElem.style.height = _this.stageHeight + 'px';

            _this.tileWidth = ~~( _this.stageWidth / _this.cols );
            _this.tileHeight = ~~( _this.stageHeight / _this.rows );
            _this.dimAvg = ( _this.activeWidth + _this.activeHeight ) / 2;
            _this.spacing = Math.max( 1, ~~( _this.dimAvg * 0.0025 ) );

            _this.stageElem.style.marginTop = ( -_this.stageElem.offsetHeight / 2 ) + _this.headerHeight / 2 + 'px';

            _this.boardTiles.each( 'updateDimensions' );
            _this.snake !== undefined && _this.snake.updateDimensions();
            _this.food !== undefined && _this.food.updateDimensions();

        StatePlay.prototype.createBoardTiles = function() {
            for( var y = 0; y < this.rows; y++ ) {
                for( var x = 0; x < this.cols; x++ ) {
                    this.boardTiles.add( new g.BoardTile({
                        parentState: this,
                        parentGroup: this.boardTiles,
                        col: x,
                        row: y,
                        x: x * this.tileWidth,
                        y: y * this.tileHeight,
                        w: this.tileWidth - this.spacing,
                        h: this.tileHeight - this.spacing

        StatePlay.prototype.upOn = function() { g.currentState().keys.up = 1; }
        StatePlay.prototype.downOn = function() { g.currentState().keys.down = 1; }
        StatePlay.prototype.rightOn = function() { g.currentState().keys.right = 1; }
        StatePlay.prototype.leftOn = function() { g.currentState().keys.left = 1; }
        StatePlay.prototype.upOff = function() { g.currentState().keys.up = 0; }
        StatePlay.prototype.downOff = function() { g.currentState().keys.down = 0; }
        StatePlay.prototype.rightOff = function() { g.currentState().keys.right = 0; }
        StatePlay.prototype.leftOff = function() { g.currentState().keys.left = 0; }

        StatePlay.prototype.keydown = function( e ) {
            var e = ( e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which ),
                    _this = g.currentState();
            if( e === 38 || e === 87 ) { _this.upOn(); }
            if( e === 39 || e === 68 ) { _this.rightOn(); }
            if( e === 40 || e === 83 ) { _this.downOn(); }
            if( e === 37 || e === 65 ) { _this.leftOn(); }

        StatePlay.prototype.bindEvents = function() {
            var _this = g.currentState();
            window.addEventListener( 'keydown', _this.keydown, false );
            window.addEventListener( 'resize', _this.resize, false );

        StatePlay.prototype.step = function() {
            this.boardTiles.each( 'update' );
            this.boardTiles.each( 'render' );

        StatePlay.prototype.exit = function() {
            window.removeEventListener( 'keydown', this.keydown, false );
            window.removeEventListener( 'resize', this.resize, false );
            this.stageElem.innerHTML = '';
            this.grid.tiles = null;
            this.time = null;

        g.addState( new StatePlay() );





    (function(){ 'use strict';

        g.config = {
            title: 'Snakely',
            debug: window.location.hash == '#debug' ? 1 : 0,
            state: 'play'

        g.setState( g.config.state );

        g.time = new g.Time();

        g.step = function() {
            requestAnimationFrame( g.step );
            g.states[ g.state ].step();

        window.addEventListener( 'load', g.step, false );

