银行金额小写转大写function ORACLE

create or replace
Function Money2Chinese(moneyValues In Number) Return Varchar2 Is
    --moneyValue := Round(to_number(moneyValue))*100
    Str1   NCHAR(10) := '零壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖';
    Str2   NCHAR(15) := '萬仟佰拾亿仟佰拾萬仟佰拾元角分';
    Str3   Number(10);
    moneyValue Varchar2(100) := trim(to_char(moneyValues)*100);  --保留小数并去掉小数点后的值
    chineseValue Varchar2(600);
    lens    Number   := trim(length(moneyValue));
    nZero  Number   := 0;
    cha1   NCHAR(10);
    cha2   NCHAR(10);
    If lens Is Null Then 
        Return Null;
    End If;
    --判断位数超长时  超过15位不进行处理    
    If lens >15 Then
        Return '超出银行支票取值范围';
    End If;
    If moneyValue = 0 Then
        Return '零元整';
    End If;
    Str2 := substr(Str2,(length(Str2)-lens)+1, lens);
    For i In 1..lens Loop
    Str3 := substr(trim(moneyValue),i,1);
      If i <> lens-2 and i <> lens-6 and i <> lens-10 and i <>lens-14  --不是万亿,亿,万,元位等关键位
          IF  Str3=0 Then
            cha1 := '';
            cha2 := '';
            nZero := nZero +1;
          IF  Str3 <> 0 and nZero <> 0 Then
              cha1 := '零'||substr(Str1 , Str3+1 , 1);
              cha2 := substr(Str2 , i ,1 );
              nZero := 0;
              cha1 := substr(Str1 , (Str3+1) ,1);
              cha2 := substr(Str2 , i ,1);
          end if;
         End If;
          IF Str3 <> 0 and nZero <> 0 Then
              cha1 := '零'||substr(Str1 , Str3+1 ,1);
              cha2 := substr(Str2 , i , 1);
              nZero := 0 ;
                If Str3 <> 0 and nZero = 0  Then
                  cha1 := substr(Str1 , Str3+1 ,1);
                  cha2 := substr(Str2 , i , 1);
                  nZero := 0 ;
                      If Str3 = 0 and nZero >= 3 Then
                        cha1 := '';
                        cha2 := '';
                        nZero := nZero + 1;
                          cha1 := '';
                          cha2 := substr(Str2 , i ,1);
                          nZero := nZero + 1;
                      End If;
                End If;
                If i=(lens-10) or i = (lens - 2) Then
                  cha2  := substr(Str2 , i ,1);
                End If;
          End If;     
      End IF;
        chineseValue := chineseValue||trim(cha1)||trim(cha2);
    End Loop;
    If  Str3 = 0 Then 
      chineseValue := chineseValue||'整';
    End If;
    Return chineseValue;
End Money2Chinese;
