insert into MR_MSG_XZBKMX_RES_BKXX(ID,MSGID,HH,HM, DZ,BW,BCH, BWH,KJ,BSH, SQXZ,SQCBR,HBSL, ZDDS,RJSL,LSSL, QSL1,QSL2,QSL3, DJ,HHYS,YSXZMS, RKS,CBZQ,SFLX, LXDH,ZBRQ,QFSL, QFJE,QFBS,DKZHYE, SQDBDS,YSKYE,TSXX, MS1,MS2,MS3, MS4,MS5,CBSXH, BKSXH) select SEQ_MR_MSG_XZBKMX_RES_BKXX.nextval, pinmsgid,x.HH,x.HM, x.DZ,x.BW,x.BCH, x.BWH,x.KJ,x.BSH, x.SQXZ,x.SQCBR,x.HBSL, decode(x.ZDDS,0,v_zdds,x.ZDDS),x.RJSL,case when v_lssllx=1 then x.qsl1 else x.pjsl end, x.QSL1,x.QSL2,x.QSL3, x.DJ,x.HHYS,x.YSXZMS, x.RKS,x.CBZQ,x.SFLX, x.LXDH,x.ZBRQ,x.QFSL, x.QFJE,x.QFBS,x.DKZHYE, x.SQDBDS,x.YSKYE,x.TSXX, x.MS1,x.MS2,x.MS3, x.MS4,x.MS5,x.CBSXH, rownum from (select a.hh, a.bzmc HM, a.yhdz DZ, a.zbwz BW, a.bch, a.bwh, f.kj, f.bsh, NVL(g.xbqd,d.sqxz) SQXZ, d.sqcbr, 0 hbsl, f.zdds zdds, -1 rjsl, d.pjsl, d.qsl1,d.qsl2,d.qsl3, a.zysxz,, case when a.ysxzsl=1 then 0 else 1 end hhys, h.xzms YSXZMS, a.ysrk RKS, a.cbzq, i.sflx, i.lxdh, k.zbrq, 0 QFSL, 0 QFJE, 0 QFBS, 0 dkzhye, 0 sqdbds, NVL(i.yskye,0) yskye, null tsxx, null ms1, null ms2, null ms3, null ms4, null ms5, d.cbsxh from da_yhbk@o3mislink a full join da_cbxx@o3mislink d on a.hh = d.hh full join sb_sbda@o3mislink f on f.sbid = a.sbid full join da_khxx@o3mislink i on i.khh = a.khh full join da_lhxx@o3mislink k on k.hh = a.hh full join da_dm_yhzt@o3mislink c on a.yhzt = c.ztid and c.sfcb = 1 left join mr_gps n on a.hh=n.hh left join (select x.hh,x.xbqd from cb_chrw@o3mislink x, (select a.hh,max(a.sgrq) sgrq from cb_chrw@o3mislink a,da_yhbk@o3mislink c where (v_bchs like '%'||c.bch||',%') and a.hh=c.hh and a.jsbz=1 group by a.hh) y where x.hh = y.hh and x.sgrq = y.sgrq) g on g.hh = a.hh full join (select ysxz,dj,xzms from fy_ysxz@o3mislink where v_sfyf between sxrq and nvl(jsrq,v_sfyf) ) h on a.zysxz = h.ysxz left join cb_slb@o3mislink e on a.hh = e.hh and e.jgbz in (0,1,2,4,6,7) and e.sfyf = v_sfyf where v_bchs like '%'||a.bch||',%' and MOD(EXTRACT(month from trunc(v_sfyf,'MM')),a.CBZQ)=MOD(a.QCY,a.CBZQ) and e.hh is null order by a.bch,d.cbsxh ) x;