create or replace procedure p_test_gy(v_datacycle_id varchar2, --添加分区的上限值 v_entity_owner varchar2, v_entity_name varchar2, v_retcode out varchar2, v_retinfo out varchar2) is v_cnt1 number; --实体检测 v_cnt2 number; --分区是否存在检测 v_cnt3 number; --模板子分区是否存在检测 v_part_type varchar2(30); --分区类型 v_subpart_type varchar2(30); --子分区类型 v_part_value_max varchar2(30); --分区最大值 v_part_style varchar2(30); --分区命名格式 v_part_value varchar2(30); --分区值变量 v_sql varchar2(4000); --动态执行SQL v_sub_template varchar2(4000); --调整模板子分区 v_high_value long; --子分区值变量 v_subpart_value varchar2(30); --子分区值变量 /*v_pkg v_procname */ begin /*--插入日志部分 p_insert_log(v_acct_month, v_pkg, v_procname, v_prov_id, sysdate, '');*/ --检测输入参数是否有误 select count(0) into v_cnt1 from sys.dba_objects where owner = v_entity_owner and object_name = v_entity_name and object_type = 'TABLE'; if v_cnt1 = 0 then v_retcode := 'FAIL'; v_retinfo := '目标表信息输入有误'; else --检测目标表有无分区 select count(0) into v_cnt2 from sys.dba_part_tables t where t.owner = v_entity_owner and t.table_name = v_entity_name; if v_cnt2 = 0 then v_retcode := 'SUCCESS'; v_retinfo := '目标表无分区'; else --检测分区是否已存在 select regexp_replace(max(t.partition_name), '[^0-9]', ''), regexp_replace(max(t.partition_name), '[0-9]', '') into v_part_value_max, v_part_style from sys.dba_tab_partitions t where t.table_owner = v_entity_owner and t.table_name = v_entity_name; select partitioning_type, subpartitioning_type into v_part_type, v_subpart_type from sys.dba_part_tables t where t.owner = v_entity_owner and t.table_name = v_entity_name; --分区已存在&分区是LIST/HASH分区 if v_part_value_max >= v_datacycle_id OR v_part_type <> 'RANGE' then v_retcode := 'SUCCESS'; v_retinfo := '分区已存在'; else select count(0) into v_cnt3 from sys.dba_subpartition_templates where table_name = v_entity_name and user_name = v_entity_owner; --无子分区&有子分区且为模板子分区 if v_part_type = 'RANGE' AND ((v_subpart_type = 'LIST' AND v_cnt3 <> 0) OR nvl(v_subpart_type, '**') = 'NONE') then v_part_value := to_char(add_months(to_date(v_part_value_max, 'yyyymm'), 1), 'yyyymm'); while v_part_value <= v_datacycle_id loop v_sql := 'alter table ' || v_entity_owner || '.' || v_entity_name || ' add partition ' || v_part_style || v_part_value || ' values less than (''' || to_char(add_months(to_date(v_part_value, 'yyyymm'), 1), 'yyyymm') || ''') tablespace '; --日志检索 /*dbms_output.put_line(v_sql);*/ --需要分配分区(或者建表设置默认表空间) execute immediate v_sql; v_part_value := to_char(add_months(to_date(v_part_value, 'yyyymm'), 1), 'yyyymm'); end loop; v_retcode := 'SUCCESS'; v_retinfo := '成功'; else /*--顺序不太好看 select rtrim(wmsys.wm_concat(' subpartition ' || substr(subpartition_name,length(partition_name)+2) || ' values ( ''' || regexp_replace(substr(subpartition_name, length(partition_name)+2),'[^0-9]','') || ''' ) '),',') into v_sub_template from sys.dba_tab_subpartitions where table_owner = v_entity_owner and partition_name = v_part_value_max and table_name = v_entity_name;*/ --有子分区且非模板子分区 v_sub_template := 'alter table ' || v_entity_owner || '.' || v_entity_name || ' set subpartition template('; --''' ||regexp_replace(substr(subpartition_name,length(partition_name) + 2),'[^0-9]','') || ''' for t in (select /*+parallel(sub,4)*/* from sys.dba_tab_subpartitions sub where table_owner = v_entity_owner and partition_name = v_part_style || v_part_value_max and table_name = v_entity_name order by length(regexp_replace(subpartition_name, '[0-9]', '')),subpartition_name) loop v_high_value:=t.high_value; v_subpart_value:=substr(v_high_value,1,4000); /*if v_subpart_value= 'DEFAULT' then v_subpart_value:='''DEFAULT'''; end if;*/ v_sub_template := v_sub_template ||' subpartition ' || substr(t.subpartition_name, length(t.partition_name) + 2) || ' values ( '||v_subpart_value||' ) ,' ; end loop; --日志检索 dbms_output.put_line(rtrim(v_sub_template, ',') || ')'); insert into dm_check_log select rtrim(v_sub_template, ',') || ')', v_datacycle_id, sysdate from dual; commit; execute immediate rtrim(v_sub_template, ',') || ')'; v_part_value := to_char(add_months(to_date(v_part_value_max, 'yyyymm'), 1), 'yyyymm'); while v_part_value <= v_datacycle_id loop v_sql := 'alter table ' || v_entity_owner || '.' || v_entity_name || ' add partition ' || v_part_style || v_part_value || ' values less than (''' || to_char(add_months(to_date(v_part_value, 'yyyymm'), 1), 'yyyymm') || ''') tablespace '; /*dbms_output.put_line(v_sql);*/ execute immediate v_sql; --需要分配分区(或者建表设置默认表空间) v_part_value := to_char(add_months(to_date(v_part_value, 'yyyymm'), 1), 'yyyymm'); end loop; v_retcode := 'SUCCESS'; v_retinfo := '成功'; end if; end if; end if; end if; end;