页面 PV 按照 年 月 日 小时 统计 的存储过程

-- =============================================
-- Author:		<Author,FHZ,>
-- Create date: <Create Date,2011-11-25 15:55,>
-- Description:	<Description,更新统计信息,>
-- =============================================
CREATE proc [dbo].[procCountPV](
@ChannelID nvarchar(50),
@SourceID int
	declare @TEMID int; --临时ID
	declare @Now datetime;
	set @Now = GETDATE();
	declare @Y smallint;--年
	declare @M tinyint;--月
	declare @W tinyint;--周
	declare @D tinyint;--日
	declare @H tinyint;--小时
	set @Y = DATEPART(YY,@Now);
	set @M = DATEPART(MM,@Now);
	set @W = DATEPART(WW,@Now);
	set @D = DATEPART(DD,@Now);
	set @H = DATEPART(HH,@Now);
	select @TEMID = [ID] from [PV] where [ChannelID] = @ChannelID and [SourceID]=@SourceID and [Y] = @Y and [M]=@M and [D]=@D and [H] = @H;
	if @TEMID is null
		Insert into [PV]([ChannelID],[SourceID],[Times],[Y],[M],[W],[D],[H]) values(@ChannelID ,@SourceID,1,@Y,@M,@W,@D,@H);
		Update [PV] set [Times] = [Times]+1 where [ID]= @TEMID;		
	Declare @NowHourTimes int;
	Declare @NowDayTimes int;
	Declare @NowWeekTimes int;
	Declare @NowMonthTimes int;
	Declare @NowYearTimes int;
	--Y M D H
	select @NowHourTimes = SUM([Times]) from [PV] where  ChannelID = @ChannelID and SourceID = @SourceID and [Y] = @Y and [M]=@M and [D]=@D and [H] = @H;	
	--Y M D
	select @NowDayTimes = SUM([Times]) from [PV] where  ChannelID = @ChannelID and SourceID = @SourceID and [Y] = @Y and [M]=@M and [D]=@D;	
	--Y W
	select @NowWeekTimes = SUM([Times]) from [PV] where  ChannelID = @ChannelID and SourceID = @SourceID and [Y] = @Y and [W]=@W;
	--Y M
	select @NowMonthTimes = SUM([Times]) from [PV] where  ChannelID = @ChannelID and SourceID = @SourceID and [Y] = @Y and [M]=@M;
	select @NowYearTimes = SUM([Times]) from [PV] where  ChannelID = @ChannelID and SourceID = @SourceID and [Y] = @Y;
	if @NowHourTimes is null
		set @NowHourTimes = 0;
	if @NowDayTimes is null
		set @NowDayTimes = 0;

	if @NowWeekTimes is null
		set @NowWeekTimes = 0;

	if @NowMonthTimes is null
		set @NowMonthTimes = 0;

	if @NowYearTimes is null
		set @NowYearTimes = 0;
	Declare @PreHourTimes int;
	Declare @PreDayTimes int;
	Declare @PreWeekTimes int;
	Declare @PreMonthTimes int;
	Declare @PreYearTimes int;
	--Y M D H
	Declare @PreHourDateTime datetime;
	set @PreHourDateTime = DATEADD(HH,-1,@Now);
	select @PreHourTimes = SUM([Times]) from [PV] where  ChannelID = @ChannelID and SourceID = @SourceID and [Y] = DATEPART(YY,@PreHourDateTime) and [M]=DATEPART(MM,@PreHourDateTime) and [D]=DATEPART(DD,@PreHourDateTime) and [H] = DATEPART(HH,@PreHourDateTime);	
	--Y M D
	Declare @PreDayDateTime datetime;
	set @PreDayDateTime = DATEADD(DD,-1,@Now);
	select @PreDayTimes = SUM([Times]) from [PV] where  ChannelID = @ChannelID and SourceID = @SourceID and [Y] = DATEPART(YY,@PreDayDateTime) and [M]=DATEPART(MM,@PreDayDateTime) and [D]=DATEPART(DD,@PreDayDateTime);	
	--Y W
	Declare @PreWeekDateTime datetime;
	set @PreWeekDateTime = DATEADD(WW,-1,@Now);

	select @PreWeekTimes = SUM([Times]) from [PV] where  ChannelID = @ChannelID and SourceID = @SourceID and [Y] =  DATEPART(YY,@PreWeekDateTime) and [W]= DATEPART(WW,@PreWeekDateTime);
	--Y M
	Declare @PreMonthDateTime datetime;
	set @PreMonthDateTime = DATEADD(MM,-1,@Now);
	select @PreMonthTimes = SUM([Times]) from [PV] where  ChannelID = @ChannelID and SourceID = @SourceID and [Y] = DATEPART(YY,@PreMonthDateTime) and [M]= DATEPART(MM,@PreMonthDateTime);
	select @PreYearTimes = SUM([Times]) from [PV] where  ChannelID = @ChannelID and SourceID = @SourceID and [Y] = @Y - 1;
	if @PreHourTimes is null
		set @PreHourTimes = 0;
	if @PreDayTimes is null
		set @PreDayTimes = 0;

	if @PreWeekTimes is null
		set @PreWeekTimes = 0;

	if @PreMonthTimes is null
		set @PreMonthTimes = 0;

	if @PreYearTimes is null
		set @PreYearTimes = 0;

	declare @HourRate float;
	declare @DayRate float;
	declare @WeekRate float;
	declare @MonthRate float;
	declare @YearRate float;
	set @HourRate = 0;
	set @DayRate = 0;
	set @WeekRate = 0;
	set @MonthRate = 0;
	set @YearRate = 0;
	if @PreHourTimes > 0 
		set @HourRate = ( @NowHourTimes - @PreHourTimes )/ (@PreHourTimes+0.0);	
	if @PreDayTimes > 0 
		set @DayRate = ( @NowDayTimes - @PreDayTimes )/ (@PreDayTimes+0.0);
	if @PreWeekTimes > 0 
		set @WeekRate = ( @NowWeekTimes - @PreWeekTimes )/ (@PreWeekTimes+0.0);
	if @PreMonthTimes > 0 
		set @MonthRate = ( @NowMonthTimes - @PreMonthTimes )/ (@PreMonthTimes+0.0);
	if @PreYearTimes > 0 
		set @YearRate = ( @NowYearTimes - @PreYearTimes )/ (@PreYearTimes+0.0);

	declare @Total int;
	select @Total = SUM([Times]) From [PV] where ChannelID = @ChannelID and SourceID = @SourceID;
	if @Total is null
		set @Total = 0;	
	declare @TempID int;
	set @TempID = null;
	Select @TempID = ID from [PVS]	where ChannelID = @ChannelID and SourceID = @SourceID;
	if @TempID is null 		
		Insert into [PVS]([ChannelID],[SourceID],[HourRate],[HourTimes],[DayRate],[DayTimes],[WeekRate],[WeekTimes],[MonthRate],[MonthTimes],[YearRate],[YearTimes],[Total]) 
		Update [PVS] set [HourRate]=@HourRate,[HourTimes]=@NowHourTimes,[DayRate]=@DayRate,[DayTimes]=@NowDayTimes,[WeekRate]=@WeekRate,[WeekTimes]=@NowWeekTimes,[MonthRate]=@MonthRate,[MonthTimes]=@NowMonthTimes,[YearRate]=@YearRate,[YearTimes]=@NowYearTimes,[Total]=@Total where ID = @TempID;		

