
Private Declare Function GetTempPath Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTempPathA" (ByVal nBufferLength As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long

' Generate a temporary file (path)\\api????.TMP, where (path)
' is Windows's temporary file directory and ???? is a randomly assigned unique value.
' Then display the name of the created file on the screen.
Dim temppath As String ' receives name of temporary file path
Dim tempfile As String ' receives name of temporary file
Dim slength As Long ' receives length of string returned for the path
Dim lastfour As Long ' receives hex value of the randomly assigned ????

' Get Windows's temporary file path
temppath = Space(255) ' initialize the buffer to receive the path
slength = GetTempPath(255, temppath) ' read the path name
temppath = Left(temppath, slength) ' extract data from the variable

' Get a uniquely assigned random file
tempfile = Space(255) ' initialize buffer to receive the filename
lastfour = GetTempFileName(temppath, "api", 0, tempfile) ' get a unique temporary file name
' (Note that the file is also created for you in this case.)
tempfile = Left(tempfile, InStr(tempfile, vbNullChar) - 1) ' extract data from the variable
Debug.Print "Temporary filename: "; tempfile
