
'{public function}
'     query(sql) 执行sql
'     selectRecord(table,colunm,condition,exp,value,extra) 删选数据
'     deleteRecord(table,condition,exp,value,extra) 删除指定数据
'     insertRecord(table,colunm,value) 插入数据
'     updateRecord(table,data,condition,exp,value,extra) 更新数据
'     gettotal(table,colunm,condition,exp,value,extra) 获取指定记录的数量
'     ispageshow() 是否分页显示
'     showPage() 显示分页样式
' 张波

Class MySql
    Private conn,connstr
    Private rs,sql
	Private dbpath,dbuser,dbpass
	Private isPage,currentPage,pSize,thisPageCount,thisRecordCount
    Private Sub Class_Initialize
	     pstart = 0
	     dbpath = "db/coding.mdb"
		 call selectconnstr("Access OLE DB")
		 call Initialize
    End Sub
	' 执行sql语句
	Public Function query(sql)
		 If err.Number <> 0 Then query = -1 Else query = 0 End If 
	End Function
	' 是否启用分页
	Public function ispageshow(size)
	    isPage = 1
		pSize = int(size)
		currentPage = request.QueryString("page")
		if currentPage = "" then currentPage = 1 else currentPage = int(currentPage)
	End Function
	' 功能:取得指定id的记录
	' 参数table所查询数据表
	' 返回:成功返回数组,失败返回-2
	Public Function selectRecord(table,colunm,condition,exp,value,extra)
		 set rs = Server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
	     table = "`"&table&"`"
		 sql = "select "&colunm&" from "&table&" where "&condition&exp&value&" "
		 rs.open sql,conn,1,1
		     thisRecordCount = rs.RecordCount
		     dim b,c,u
		     b = thisRecordCount -1
			 If b > -1 then
		         c = clng(rs.Fields.Count - 1)	
				 ' 添加分页输出数据
				 If isPage = 1 then
				      thisPageCount = modint(thisRecordCount,pSize)
				      if currentPage = 0 then thisPageCount = 1
					  if currentPage > thisPageCount then currentPage = thisPageCount
					  rs.pagesize = pSize
				      rs.absolutepage = currentPage
					  if currentPage = thisPageCount and (thisRecordCount mod pSize)<>0 then 
					       b = (thisRecordCount mod pSize) - 1
					       b = pSize - 1
					  end if
				 End If
		         ReDim v(b,c)
		         For j = 0 to rs.pagesize-1 
				     if rs.bof or rs.eof then exit for
			         For i=0 to rs.Fields.Count - 1
				         v(j,i) = rs.Fields(i)
		         selectRecord = v
			     selectRecord = -2
			 End IF
		 call closethis()
	End Function
	' 功能:删除数据
	' 返回:失败返回-1,无该数据返回-2,成功返回0
	Public Function deleteRecord(table,condition,exp,value,extra)
		 If 0 = gettotal(table,"id",condition,exp,value,extra) then
		     deleteRecord = -2
		     sql="DELETE  FROM "&table&" WHERE "&condition&exp&value&" "&extra
			 deleteRecord = query(sql)
		 End IF
	End Function
	' 插入数据
	' 参数:array(array("bigclass"),array(request.Form("data"))),ext其他条件
	Public Function insertRecord(table,data,ext)
	     table = "`"&table&"`"
		 sql = "SELECT * FROM "&table&" "&ext 
		 set rs = Server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
		 rs.open sql,conn,1,3
		     For q = Lbound(data(0)) to Ubound(data(0))
		         rs(data(0)(q)) = data(1)(q)
		 call closethis()
		 If err.Number <> 0 Then insertRecord = -1 Else insertRecord = 0 End If 
	End Function
	' 更新数据
	' 参数:array(array("bigclass"),array(request.Form("data")))
	' 返回:成功0,不存在该数据-2,失败-1
	Public Function updateRecord(table,data,condition,exp,value,extra)
	     if 0 = gettotal(table,"id",condition,exp,value,extra) Then
		     updateRecord = -2
	         set rs = Server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
			 sql = "SELECT * FROM "&table&" WHERE "&condition&exp&value&" "&extra
		     rs.open sql,conn,1,3
		     For q = Lbound(data(0)) to Ubound(data(0))
		         rs(data(0)(q)) = data(1)(q)
		     call closethis()
		     If err.Number <> 0 Then updateRecord = -1 Else updateRecord = 0 End If 
         End If
	End Function
	' 功能:数组转换为字符串
	' 返回:指定格式字符串
	' 参数:arr数组,exp分割符,exper附加符号 
	Private Function strsql(arr,exp,exper)
	     Dim col
	     If isArray(arr) Then
		      For l = Lbound(arr) to Ubound(arr) 
				 if l = Ubound(arr) then 
				      col = col & exper&arr(l)&exper 
				      col = col & exper&arr(l)&exper&exp 
				 end if
			 strsql = col
		     If arr<>"" Then col = exper&arr&exper
			 strsql = col
		 End if
	End Function
	' 功能:获取符合条件的记录的总条数
	' 返回:如果有记录则返回符合条件的记录条数,如果没有则返回0
	Public Function gettotal(table,colunm,condition,exp,value,extra)
	     set rs = Server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
	     table = "`"&table&"`"
		 colunm = "Count("&colunm&")"
	     sql = "SELECT "&colunm&" as count_all_total FROM "&table&" WHERE "&condition&exp&value&" "&extra
		 rs.open sql,conn,1,1
		      gettotal = rs("count_all_total")
	     call closethis()
	End Function
	' 操作函数
	Private Function Initialize
         'on error resume next
         set conn=server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
         conn.mode = adModeReadWrite '设置provider 的访问权限
         conn.ConnectionString = connstr 
         conn.connectiontimeout = 30 '设置等待时间
	End Function
	'  数据库连接类型
	Private Function selectconnstr(ty)
	    select case ty
		    case "DSN-less"
			connstr = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ="&Server.MapPath(dbpath)
			case "SQL server"
			connstr = "{SQL Server};Server=(Local);UID=;PWD=;"&"database="&dbpath&";"
		    case "Access OLE DB"
		    connstr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath(dbpath) &";Persist Security Info=False;"
		end select
	End Function
	' 释放资源
	Private Function closethis
         set rs=nothing
	End Function
	' 析构函数
	Private Sub class_terminate
		 set conn = nothing
	End Sub
	' 进位运算
	Public Function modint(number,num)
	    if (number mod num) = 0 then modint = int(number/num) else modint = int(number/num) + 1 end if
	End Function
	' 功能:输出分页样式数字分页
	' 参数:
	Public Function showPage()
	    Dim t_,per,nex
		if currentPage > 1 and currentPage < thisPageCount then 
		    per = "<a href="""&echoPath(currentPage-1)&""" >上一页</a>"
			nex = "<a href="""&echoPath(currentPage+1)&""" >下一页</a>"
		end if
		if currentPage > 1 and currentPage = thisPageCount then 
		    per = "<a href="""&echoPath(currentPage-1)&""" >上一页</a>"
		end if
		if currentPage = 1 and currentPage < thisPageCount then 
			nex = "<a href="""&echoPath(currentPage+1)&""" >下一页</a>"
		end if
		t_ = per
	    For m = 1 to thisPageCount
			if currentPage = m then cur = "cur" else cur = "" end if
		    t_ = t_ & "<a href="""&echoPath(m)&""" calss="""&cur&""">"&m&"</a>"
		t_ = t_ & "totla:" & thisPageCount &",current:"& currentPage & thisRecordCount
		t_ = t_ & nex
		showPage = t_
	End Function
	' 输出路径
	Private Function echoPath(y)
	     Dim url
	     url = Request.ServerVariables("Query_String")
		 if url="" then 
			     echoPath = "?page="&y 
			    if instr(url,"page=") = 0 then 
				     echoPath = "?"&url&"&page="&y 
				     dim p,ist
				     p = split(url,"&")
					 For f = Lbound(p) to Ubound(p)
					     if instr(p(f),"page=")<>0 then ist = p(f)
					 if ist<>"" then echoPath = "?"&replace(url,ist,"page="&y) else echoPath = "?"&url&"&page="&y end if
				end if
			end if
	End Function 
End Class
