<% '数据库操作类 'asp 版本 gb2312 '制作:伤心的歌 QQ:369758482 url:http://www.q128.net 'On Error Resume Next class data public sub w(vals) Response.Write(Replace(vals,"\n",vbcrlf)) end sub public sub memsg(txt,urls) if urls="" then urls="javascript:history.back();" if txt<>"" then Response.Write("<script type='text/javascript'>alert('"&txt&"');document.location='"&urls&"';</script>") else Response.Redirect(urls) end if Response.End() end sub public db,loca,locauser,locapass,locadata,connstr,conn,rs,stype,sql,page_size,pagenum public Sub Database() if stype=1 then connstr="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath(db) & "" else connstr="Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password='"&locapass&"';Persist Security Info=True;User ID='"&locauser&"';Initial Catalog='"&locadata&"';Data Source='"&loca&"'" end if Set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.open connstr if err then Response.Write("数据库连接错误,请检查数据库参数") Response.End() end if end Sub public Sub Record(fielder,table,Condition,sorts,ty,fenye) if fielder="" then fielder="*" sql="select "&fielder&" from "&table if Condition<>"" then sql=sql&" where "&Condition if sorts <>"" then sql=sql&" order by "&sorts Set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") if fenye then pagenum=cint(Request.QueryString("page")) if pagenum="" or not isnumeric(pagenum) or pagenum<1 then pagenum=1 rs.cachesize=page_size rs.cursortype=1 end if if ty=1 then rs.open sql,conn,1,1 elseif ty=2 then rs.open sql,conn,1,2 elseif ty=3 then rs.open sql,conn,1,3 end if if fenye then rs.pagesize=page_size if pagenum>rs.pagecount then pagenum=rs.pagecount if not rs.eof then rs.absolutepage=pagenum end if end sub public function ps(tf) if tf then ps=rs.pagesize elseif not tf then if rs.eof then ps=true else ps=false end if end if end function public function show(val) show=rs(val) end function public sub pagehtml(a,b,c) if pagenum=1 then Response.Write replace(replace(replace(a,"$1","javascript:"),"$2","dis"),"$3","首页") Response.Write replace(replace(replace(a,"$1","javascript:"),"$2","dis"),"$3","上一页") else Response.Write replace(replace(replace(a,"$1","?page=1"),"$2","ok"),"$3","首页") Response.Write replace(replace(replace(a,"$1","?page="&pagenum-1&""),"$2","ok"),"$3","上一页") end if f=1 g=10 if g>rs.pagecount then g=rs.pagecount if pagenum>9 then f=pagenum-1 g=pagenum+9 end if if g>rs.pagecount then f=rs.pagecount-10 g=rs.pagecount end if for i=f to g if i=pagenum then Response.Write replace(b,"$1",i) else Response.Write replace(replace(replace(a,"$1","?page="&i&""),"$2","ok"),"$3",i) end if next if pagenum=rs.pagecount then Response.Write replace(replace(replace(a,"$1","javascript:"),"$2","dis"),"$3","下一页") Response.Write replace(replace(replace(a,"$1","javascript:"),"$2","dis"),"$3","尾页") else Response.Write replace(replace(replace(a,"$1","?page="&pagenum+1&""),"$2","ok"),"$3","下一页") Response.Write replace(replace(replace(a,"$1","?page="&rs.pagecount&""),"$2","ok"),"$3","尾页") end if Response.Write replace(c,"$1","共"&rs.recordcount&"条记录") Response.Write replace(c,"$1","共"&rs.pagecount&"页") Response.Write replace(c,"$1","当前第"&pagenum&"页") end sub public function p(vas,y,f) if y=1 then mmm=Request.Form(vas) elseif y=2 then mmm=Request.QueryString(vas) end if if f=1 then if mmm<>"" and mmm=1 and isnumeric(mmm) then p=true else p=false end if mmm="" else p=mmm end if end function public sub add() rs.addnew end sub public Sub into(jian,val) rs(jian)=val rs.update end Sub public sub del(tab,whe) sql="delete from "&tab if whe<>"" then sql=sql&" where "&whe conn.execute sql end sub public function x() x=rs.recordcount end function public sub nex() rs.movenext end sub public sub ul() rs.close Set rs=nothing sql=null end Sub public Sub cn() conn.close Set conn=nothing end Sub public function nullys(ys) nullys=true if ys="" then nullys=false end if end function public function rep(values,out) if Request.Form(values)="" then rep=out else rep=Request.Form(values) end if end function end class %>