#!/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' 修改:2015/9/25 ver.2 原因:ver.1 要使用elasticsearch的官方库,不方便,这版使用bulk接口,curl提交 修改:2015/9/30 ver.3 原因:封装成class,方便调用 ''' import sys import os from optparse import OptionParser from datetime import datetime import subprocess as sub import json class loadDataToES: def __init__(self, field_desc, data_file, host='', port='9200', index='test', doctype='others', delimeter=',', tmp_file='/dev/shm/_tmp_data_to_es', cut_off=10000): self.host = host self.port = port self.index = index self.doctype = doctype self.delimeter = delimeter self.tmp_file = tmp_file self.field_desc = field_desc self.data_file = data_file self.header = '{"index":{"_index":"%s", "_type":"%s"}}' %(self.index, self.doctype) self.cut_off = cut_off self.url = 'http://%s:%s/_bulk' %(self.host, self.port) def load_data(self): ''' expample data from the file: 2015-09-24 09:17:29,memory_11601,123988 ''' self.body_list = [] self.bulk = '' self.line_num = 0 self.pretty_print('INFO: loadding data to es, host: %s, index: %s' %(self.host, self.index)) self.parse_field() with open(self.data_file, 'r') as f_desc: for line in f_desc: self.do_line(line) self.line_num += 1 if self.line_num >= self.cut_off: self.bulk_content = '\n'.join(self.body_list) self._load_data() self.body_list = [] self.bulk = '' self.line_num = 0 if self.line_num > 0: self.bulk_content = '\n'.join(self.body_list) self._load_data() self.pretty_print('INFO: all lines parsed.') def do_line(self, line): fields = line.strip().split(self.delimeter) if len(fields) != self.field_len: self.pretty_print("ERROR: line %d not match fields" % line_num) return body_tmp = str(self.get_body(fields, self.fields_list)) self.body_list.append(self.header) self.body_list.append(body_tmp.replace("'", '"')) def parse_field(self): fields_list = [] fields_desc = self.field_desc.strip().split(self.delimeter) for item in fields_desc: items = item.split('|') fields_list.append([items[0], items[1]]) self.fields_list = fields_list self.field_len = len(fields_list) def _load_data(self): open(self.tmp_file, 'w').write(self.bulk_content) p = sub.Popen(['curl', '-s', '-XPOST', self.url, '--data-binary', "@" + self.tmp_file ], stdout=sub.PIPE) for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''): ret_dict = json.loads(line) if not ret_dict['errors']: self.pretty_print("INFO: %6s lines parseed with no errors, total cost %d ms." %(len(ret_dict['items']), ret_dict['took'])) else: self.pretty_print("ERROR: %6s lines parseed with some errors, total cost %d ms." %(len(ret_dict['items']), ret_dict['took'])) def pretty_print(self, str): print('%s %s' %(datetime.now(), str)) def get_body(self, fields, fields_list): counter = 0 body = {} while (counter < len(fields)): # if the data type is 'date', we will translate the value str to date # type if fields_list[counter][1] == 'date': body[fields_list[counter][0]] = self.translate_str_to_date( fields[counter]) # and if the data type is 'int', we translate it to int elif fields_list[counter][1] == 'int': body[fields_list[counter][0]] = self.translate_str_to_int( fields[counter]) elif fields_list[counter][1] == 'float': body[fields_list[counter][0]] = self.translate_str_to_float( fields[counter]) # other is defalut to be str else: body[fields_list[counter][0]] = fields[counter] counter += 1 # print(my_body) return body def translate_str_to_date(self, date_str): try: date = datetime.strptime(date_str, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') return date.isoformat() except: self.pretty_print("Unexpected error: %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0])) self.pretty_print("Failed to translate '%s' to date." % (date_str)) return False def translate_str_to_int(self, num_str): try: return int(num_str) except: self.pretty_print("Failed to translate '%s' to int." % (num_str)) return False def translate_str_to_float(self, num_str): try: return float(num_str) except: self.pretty_print("Failed to translate '%s' to int." % (num_str)) return False if __name__ == '__main__': ''' example fields_desc:@timestamp|date,process|str,mem|int example lines in file: 2015-09-24 09:17:29,memory_11601,203532 2015-09-24 09:17:29,memory_11602,223112 ''' loader = loadDataToES(field_desc='@timestamp|date,process|str,mem|int', data_file='/root/scripts/in.data', host='', index = 'test') loader.load_data()