#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- # 通过输入的网址获取其依赖的站点(html中引用到的) # 依赖文件格式如下: # *.microsoft.com # *.outlook.com # *.apple.com # *.ibm.com import urllib2 import urlparse import socket import sys import re def printHelp(): print 'Approach 1: python DepSpy.py url dstfile' print ' * url starts with http:// or https://.' print ' * dstfile is the full name of output file,' print ' results output to stdin if dstfile is empty.' print '\r\nApproach 2: python DepSpy.py urlfile dstfile' print ' * urlfile is the full name of file listing input urls(splitted by \\n).' print ' * dstfile is the full name of output file,' print ' results output to stdin if dstfile is empty.' # 根据命令行调用相应功能 def dispatch(args): try: if len(args) < 2: printHelp() return [] elif len(args) == 2 and (['h', '/h', '-h', '?', '/?', '-?', 'help', '-help', '/help'].count(args[1]) != 0): printHelp() elif args[1].find(r'http://') == 0 or args[1].find(r'https://') == 0: # 命令行参数为一个网址 return getDependHost(args[1]) else: # 命令行参数为一个网址列表文件名 urls = readURLList(args[1]) ret = [] for u in urls: print'---- Dealing with: ' + u + ' ----' lst = getDependHost(u) for it in lst: if ret.count(it) == 0: ret.append(it) return ret except Exception , e: print e return [] # 获取依赖站点 _pattern = re.compile(r'<(?:script|link).*(?:src|href)\s?=\s?"(https?://.+?)"') _pwww = re.compile(r'^[a-z0-9-_]+\.') def getDependHost(url): try: if url.find('http://') != 0: url = 'http://' + url def getHost(str): netloc = urlparse.urlparse(str).netloc if netloc.find('baidu.com') != -1: # 百度的网址要单独处理 return netloc elif netloc.count('.') < 2: return '*.' + netloc else: netloc, dummy = re.subn(_pwww, '*.', netloc) return netloc resp = urllib2.urlopen(url) html = resp.read() deps = _pattern.findall(html) deps = map(getHost, deps) selfHost = getHost(url) ret = [] for it in deps: if ret.count(it) == 0 and selfHost != it: ret.append(it) print ret return ret except Exception , e: print e return [] # 读取网址列表 def readURLList(path): fp = open(path, 'r') urls = [] try: urls = fp.read().replace('\r', '').replace('*', 'www').split('\n') finally: fp.close() return urls # 程序入口 if __name__ == '__main__': socket.setdefaulttimeout(60) # 全局超时设置 lst = dispatch(sys.argv) if len(sys.argv) > 2: try: distFilename = sys.argv[2] fp = open(distFilename, 'w') for it in lst: fp.write(it + '\r\n') fp.close() except Exception , e: print 'Write File Error' else: try: for it in lst: print it except Exception , e: print 'Error'