import pygame,sys,random from pygame.locals import* FPS = 10 winx = 640 winy = 480 cellsize = 20 assert (winx%cellsize == 0 and winy%cellsize == 0),'cell number needs to be interger' cellx = int(winx/cellsize) celly = int(winy/cellsize) red = (255,0,0) green = (0,255,0) darkgreen = (0,155,0) gray = (40,40,40) white = (255,255,255) black = (0,0,0) left = 'left' right = 'right' down = 'down' up = 'up' head = 0 def main(): global fpsclock,disp pygame.init() disp = pygame.display.set_mode((winx,winy)) pygame.display.set_caption('wormy') disp.fill(black) fpsclock = pygame.time.Clock() startanimation() while True: rungame() gameover() def rungame(): global FPS direction = right startx = random.randint(5,cellx - 6) starty = random.randint(5,celly - 6) wormy = [{'x': startx, 'y': starty}, {'x': startx-1, 'y': starty}, {'x': startx-2, 'y': starty}] apple = randomapple() while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: terminal() elif event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_LEFT and direction!=right: direction = left elif event.key == K_RIGHT and direction!=left: direction = right elif event.key == K_UP and direction!=down: direction = up elif event.key == K_DOWN: direction = down elif event.key == K_ESCAPE: terminal() if wormy[head]['x'] == cellx or wormy[head]['x'] == -1 or wormy[head]['y'] == celly or wormy[head]['y'] == -1: return for wormybody in wormy[1:]: if wormybody['x'] == wormy[head]['x'] and wormybody['y'] == wormy[head]['y']: return if wormy[head]['x'] == apple['x'] and wormy[head]['y'] == apple['y']: apple = randomapple() FPS+=1 else: del wormy[-1] if direction == up: newhead = {'x':wormy[head]['x'],'y':wormy[head]['y']-1} if direction == down: newhead = {'x':wormy[head]['x'],'y':wormy[head]['y']+1} if direction == left: newhead = {'x':wormy[head]['x']-1,'y':wormy[head]['y']} if direction == right: newhead = {'x':wormy[head]['x']+1,'y':wormy[head]['y']} wormy.insert(0,newhead) disp.fill(black) drawline() drawwormy(wormy) drawapple(apple) drawscore(len(wormy)-3) pygame.display.update() fpsclock.tick(FPS) def drawapple(coords): pygame.draw.rect(disp,red,(coords['x']*cellsize,coords['y']*cellsize,cellsize,cellsize)) def randomapple(): applex = random.randint(0,cellx-1) appley = random.randint(0,celly-1) return {'x':applex,'y':appley} def drawwormy(wormy): for board in wormy: x = board['x']*cellsize y = board['y']*cellsize pygame.draw.rect(disp,darkgreen,(x,y,cellsize,cellsize)) pygame.draw.rect(disp,green,(x+4,y+4,cellsize-8,cellsize-8)) def drawline(): for i in range(cellx): pygame.draw.line(disp,gray,(i*cellsize,0),(i*cellsize,winy)) for j in range(celly): pygame.draw.line(disp,gray,(0,j*cellsize),(winx,j*cellsize)) def terminal(): pygame.quit() sys.exit() def checkforpress(): if len(pygame.event.get(QUIT))> 0 : terminal() keypress = pygame.event.get(KEYUP) if len(keypress) == 0: return None elif len(keypress)>0: if keypress[0].key == K_ESCAPE: terminal() return keypress[0].key def drawkey(): basicfont2 = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf',20) textsurf = basicfont2.render('press a key to play',1,gray) textrect = textsurf.get_rect() textrect.topleft = (winx-200,winy-50) disp.blit(textsurf,textrect) def startanimation(): basicfont1 = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf',100) degree1 = 0 degree2 = 0 w1surf = basicfont1.render('wormy',1,white,darkgreen) w2surf = basicfont1.render('wormy',1,green) while True: disp.fill(black) drawkey() rotate1surf = pygame.transform.rotate(w1surf,degree1) rotate1rect = rotate1surf.get_rect() = (winx-320,winy-240) rotate2surf = pygame.transform.rotate(w2surf,degree2) rotate2rect = rotate2surf.get_rect() = (winx-320,winy-240) disp.blit(rotate1surf,rotate1rect) disp.blit(rotate2surf,rotate2rect) degree1+= 3 degree2+= 7 if checkforpress(): pygame.event.get() return pygame.display.update() fpsclock.tick(FPS) def drawscore(score): basicfont3 = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf',20) textsurf = basicfont3.render('score: %d'%score,1,white) textrect = textsurf.get_rect() textrect.topleft = (winx-100,10) disp.blit(textsurf,textrect) def gameover(): basicfont4 = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf',100) gamesurf = basicfont4.render('Game',1,white) gamerect = gamesurf.get_rect() gamerect.topleft = (180,80) oversurf = basicfont4.render('Over',1,white) overrect = oversurf.get_rect() overrect.topleft = (200,200) disp.blit(gamesurf,gamerect) disp.blit(oversurf,overrect) drawkey() pygame.display.update() pygame.time.wait(500) checkforpress() while True: if checkforpress(): pygame.event.get() return if __name__ =='__main__': main()