# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import datetime # , calendar from copy import deepcopy from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup #~ from pyquery import PyQuery as pq import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') class Util(object): """ 教案生成器,自动填写表头,产生 .doc 格式文档 """ @classmethod def read_config(cls): """ 通过配置文件获取课程配置 """ conf = None input_config = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else "conf.xml" with open(input_config, 'rb') as conf_file: soup = BeautifulSoup(conf_file.read(), fromEncoding="gbk") conf = {'class': soup.find('class').text.strip(), 'lesson': soup.find('lesson').text.strip(), 'book': soup.find('book').text.strip(), 'press': soup.find('press').text.strip(), 'term': soup.find('term').text.strip(), 'year': soup.find('year').text.strip(), 'begin': soup.find('begin').text.strip(), 'weeks': int(soup.find('weeks').text), 'holiday': soup.find('holiday').text.strip(), } conf['holidays'] = [x.split(':') for x in conf['holiday'].split(',')] # 日期条件检查器 always = lambda x: True odd = lambda x: x % 2 == 1 # 单周 even = lambda x: x % 2 == 0 schedule = {} for week in soup.findAll('week'): func = always if 'select' in week: func = odd if odd(int(week['select'])) else even schedule[int(week['n'])] = [func, week.text] #~ {5:[f, '5, 6'], 3:[f, '3, 4'], 1:[f, '1, 2'], 6:[fo, '5, 6']} conf['schedule'] = schedule #~ print schedule.keys() return conf @classmethod def holiday(cls, day, holidays): """ 判断是否节假日 """ for hd in holidays: begin = hd[0] span = int(hd[1]) if len(hd) > 1 else 1 hdt = datetime.datetime.strptime(begin, "%Y-%m-%d") if 0 < (day - hdt).days + 1 <= span: return True return False @classmethod def date_list(cls, begin_time, end_time, schedule): """ 获取工作日列表 """ oneday = datetime.timedelta(days=1) day_time = begin_time work_weeks = schedule.keys() while day_time <= end_time: for it in work_weeks: week = day_time.weekday() + 1 if week <= it: day_time += datetime.timedelta(it - week) week_ith = (day_time - begin_time).days / 7 + 1 #~ print 'week_th:', week_ith #~ print day_time.strftime('%A, %Y-%m-%d') #~ print "lessons:", schedule[it][1:] # 日期条件检查 if schedule[it][0](week_ith): yield day_time day_time += oneday @classmethod def run(cls): """ 生成教案 """ conf = cls.read_config() with open("templet.dat", 'rb') as temp_file: # read templet and generate soup = BeautifulSoup(temp_file.read(), fromEncoding="gbk") blank = soup.body.brTag # 指定Tag后缀写法 page = soup.body.div page.find('span', {"name": "class"}).string = conf['class'] page.find('span', {"name": "lesson"}).string = conf['lesson'] page.find('span', {"name": "book"}).string = conf['book'] page.find('span', {"name": "press"}).string = conf['press'] page.find('span', {"name": "term"}).string = conf['term'] page.find('span', {"name": "year_range"}).string = conf['year'] begin_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(conf['begin'], "%Y-%m-%d") end_time = begin_time + datetime.timedelta(days=conf['weeks']*7) schedule = conf['schedule'] work_days = cls.date_list(begin_time, end_time, schedule) for i, date in enumerate(work_days): if cls.holiday(date, conf['holidays']): print '-- skip holiday:', date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') continue week = date.weekday() + 1 week_ith = (date - begin_time).days / 7 + 1 print "##", date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), '%s%s' % ("星期", CN_NUM[week]), "第", week_ith, "周" page.find('span', {"name": "page_ith"}).string = str(i+1) page.find('span', {"name": "week_ith"}).string = str(week_ith) page.find('span', {"name": "lesson_ith"}).string = schedule[week][1] page.find('span', {"name": "week"}).string = '%s%s' % ("星期", CN_NUM[week]) page.find('span', {"name": "year"}).string = str(date.year) page.find('span', {"name": "month"}).string = '%02d' % date.month page.find('span', {"name": "day"}).string = '%02d' % date.day # 复制页面元素需要深拷贝,否则为移动元素 # 不能直接 insert str(page),因为 BS 会对其中 html 特殊字符转义 page = deepcopy(page) soup.body.insert(len(soup.body), page) blank = deepcopy(blank) soup.body.insert(len(soup.body), blank) year_span = conf['year'].split() # 长行字符串写法 out_file_name = ''.join((year_span[0], '-', year_span[-1], '-', , conf['term'], '《' + conf['lesson'] + '》', '教案-教师', '.doc')) with open(out_file_name, 'wb') as out_file: out_file.write(str(soup)) if __name__ == '__main__': CN_NUM = { 0: '零', 1: '一', 2: '二', 3: '三', 4: '四', 5: '五', 6: '六', 7: '七', 8: '八', 9: '九', } Util.run()