#!/bin/bash # Be warned!!! there is an "rm -r" at the end of this script. I do not guarantee anything, in particular that (mis)use won't damage something important. # Use at your own risk! # Copyright public domain # Derived from: http://dryize.wordpress.com/2014/04/02/protected-hls-using-ffmpeg-and-openssl/ set -e # Exit on errors keyFile='video.key' vidFile="$1" playList='cc.m3u8' # Must end with .m3u8! splitFilePrefix='stream' wKeyPath="$3/$keyFile" # Only run if the video file is readable and is not an irregular file if [ -f "$vidFile" -a -r "$vidFile" ]; then # Whole rest of program runs in this if; exits 2 at the end if the above fails. # If folder exists, add it to our paths if [ -d "$2" ]; then outDir="$2" else # Try to make the directory mkdir "$2" || exit 1 outDir="$2" fi tempDir="$outDir/.$$_tmp" keyFile="$outDir/$keyFile" mkdir $tempDir # It is deleted later # Stuff from the original script openssl rand 16 > $keyFile # I'm not sure if I have the quoting right on this. If not, try removing the double quotes in the middle. encryptionKey=`cat $keyFile | hexdump -e '16/1 "%02x"'` # Here's where I run ffmpeg ffmpeg -i "$vidFile" -c copy -map 0 -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -flags \ global_header -f segment -segment_time 10 -segment_list_size 0 \ -segment_list "$tempDir/$playList" -segment_format mpegts "$tempDir/$splitFilePrefix"%d.ts # N.B. I question some of those parameters, such as segment_time, but this is not my command. # I also had to use libfdk_aac instead of libvo_aacenc # I thought m3u8 playlists needed full URLs, but he doesn't include them. numberOfTsFiles=`ls "$tempDir/$splitFilePrefix"*.ts | wc -l` for (( i=0; i<$numberOfTsFiles; i++ )) do initializationVector=`printf '%032x' $i` openssl aes-128-cbc -e -in "$tempDir/$splitFilePrefix"$i.ts \ -out "$outDir/$splitFilePrefix"$i.ts -nosalt -iv $initializationVector -K $encryptionKey done # Write something to the middle of the head of the playlist { head -2 "$tempDir/$playList" echo '#EXT-X-KEY:METHOD=AES-128,URI=''"'"$wKeyPath"'"' echo '#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:0' egrep "$tempDir/$playList" -vie '#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:' \ | tail -n +3 } > "$outDir/$playList" # Get rid of the unencrypted files and unmodified playlist rm -rf "$tempDir" # Close the opening if else exit 2 fi