# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import aiml import sys import os def get_module_dir(name): print("module", sys.modules[name]) path = getattr(sys.modules[name], '__file__', None) print(path) if not path: raise AttributeError('module %s has not attribute __file__' % name) return os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(path)) alice_path = get_module_dir('aiml') + '\\botdata\\alice' os.chdir(alice_path) # 切换到语料库所在工作目录 alice = aiml.Kernel() # 创建机器人alice对象 alice.learn("startup.xml") # 加载...\\botdata\\alice\\startup.xml alice.respond('LOAD ALICE') # 加载...\\botdata\\alice目录下的语料库 while True: message = input("Enter your message >> ") if("exit" == message): exit() response = alice.respond(message) # 机器人应答 print(response)
from urllib.request import urlopen,Request from urllib.error import URLError from urllib.parse import urlencode import json class TuringChatMode(object): """this mode base on turing robot""" def __init__(self): # API接口地址 self.turing_url = 'http://www.tuling123.com/openapi/api?' def get_turing_text(self,text): ''' 请求方式: HTTP POST 请求参数: 参数 是否必须 长度 说明 key 必须 32 APIkey info 必须 1-32 请求内容,编码方式为"utf-8" userid 必须 32 MAC地址或ID ''' turing_url_data = dict( key = 'fcbf9efe277e493993e889eabca5b331', info = text, userid = '60-14-B3-BA-E1-4D', ) # print("The things to Request is:",self.turing_url + urlencode(turing_url_data)) self.request = Request(self.turing_url + urlencode(turing_url_data)) # print("The result of Request is:",self.request) try: w_data = urlopen(self.request) # print("Type of the data from urlopen:",type(w_data)) # print("The data from urlopen is:",w_data) except URLError: raise IndexError("No internet connection available to transfer txt data") # 如果发生网络错误,断言提示没有可用的网络连接来传输文本信息 except: raise KeyError("Server wouldn't respond (invalid key or quota has been maxed out)") # 其他情况断言提示服务相应次数已经达到上限 response_text = w_data.read().decode('utf-8') # print("Type of the response_text :",type(response_text)) # print("response_text :",response_text) json_result = json.loads(response_text) # print("Type of the json_result :",type(json_result)) return json_result['text'] if __name__ == '__main__': print("Now u can type in something & input q to quit") turing = TuringChatMode() while True: msg = input("\nMaster:") if msg == 'q': exit("u r quit the chat !") # 设定输入q,退出聊天。 else: turing_data = turing.get_turing_text(msg) print("Robot:",turing_data)
以上就是Python如何实现机器人聊天的详细内容,更多关于python 实现机器人聊天的资料请关注自学编程网其它相关文章!
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