substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex)方法在不同版本的JDK中的实现是不同的。了解他们的区别可以帮助你更好的使用他。为简单起见,后文中用substring()代表substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex)方法。
substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex)方法截取字符串并返回其[beginIndex,endIndex-1]范围内的内容。s
String x = "abcdef";x = x.substring(1,3);System.out.println(x);
然而,这个图不是完全正确的表示堆中发生的事情。因为在jdk6 和 jdk7中调用substring时发生的事情并不一样。
JDK 6中的subString
tring是通过字符数组实现的。在jdk 6 中,String类包含三个成员变量:char value[], int offset,int count,他们分别用来:存储真正的字符数组、存储数组的第一个位置索引、存储字符串中包含的字符个数。
当调用substring方法的时候,会创建一个新的string对象,但是这个string的值仍然指向堆中的同一个字符数组。这两个对象中只有count和offset 的值是不同的。
//JDK 6 String(int offset, int count, char value[]) { this.value = value; this.offset = offset; this.count = count; } public String substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex) { //check boundary return new String(offset + beginIndex, endIndex - beginIndex, value); }
如果有一个很长的字符串,但是你只需要使用很短的一段,于是你使用substring进行切割,但是由于你实际上引用了整个字符串,这个很长的字符串无法被回收。往小了说,造成了存储空间的浪费,往大了说,可能造成内存泄漏。这个问题已经被官方记录在Java Bug Database里面了:
s1 = s1.substring(x,y) + "";
JDK 7 中的substring
上述问题在JDK 7中得到了解决。JDK 7中,substring方法会在堆中创建一个新的数组。
//JDK 7 /** * Allocates a new {@code String} that contains characters from a subarray * of the character array argument. The {@code offset} argument is the * index of the first character of the subarray and the {@code count} * argument specifies the length of the subarray. The contents of the * subarray are copied; subsequent modification of the character array does * not affect the newly created string. * * @param value Array that is the source of characters * @param offset The initial offset * @param count The length * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the {@code offset} and {@code count} arguments index * characters outside the bounds of the {@code value} array */ public String(char value[], int offset, int count) { //check boundary this.value = Arrays.copyOfRange(value, offset, offset + count); } /** * Returns a string that is a substring of this string. The * substring begins at the specified {@code beginIndex} and * extends to the character at index {@code endIndex - 1}. * Thus the length of the substring is {@code endIndex-beginIndex}. * <p> * Examples: * <blockquote><pre> * "hamburger".substring(4, 8) returns "urge" * "smiles".substring(1, 5) returns "mile" * </pre></blockquote> * * @param beginIndex the beginning index, inclusive. * @param endIndex the ending index, exclusive. * @return the specified substring. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the * {@code beginIndex} is negative, or * {@code endIndex} is larger than the length of * this {@code String} object, or * {@code beginIndex} is larger than * {@code endIndex}. */ public String substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex) { //check boundary int subLen = endIndex - beginIndex; return ((beginIndex == 0) && (endIndex == value.length)) ? this : new String(value, beginIndex, subLen); }
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