//注:1:const修饰的引用cj的值且引用的对象无法修改无法修改,但是引用的i是可修改的 #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int i = 1; const int &cj = i; cout << "cj : " <<cj<< endl;(√) i=2; cout << "cj : " <<cj<< endl;(√) cj=3; cout << "cj : " <<cj<< endl;(×) int a=9; cj=a; (×) return 0; } 错误提示: /code/main.cpp: In function ‘int main()': /code/main.cpp:15:4: error: assignment of read-only reference ‘cj' cj=3; ^ /code/main.cpp:19:4: error: assignment of read-only reference ‘cj' cj=a; ^ sandbox> exited with status 0
//注:常量引用,本身也要是常量才行: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { const int i = 4; const int &ck = i; //正确,常量对象绑定到 const引用 cout<< "ck="<<ck<<endl; const int b = 5; int &r = b; //错误, return 0; } /code/main.cpp: In function ‘int main()': /code/main.cpp:13:14: error: invalid initialization of reference of type ‘int&' from expression of type ‘const int' int &r = b; //错误, ^ sandbox> exited with status 0
//注:const 的隐式转换: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { double b = 2.14; const int &a = b; // 会进行如下转换: // int temp = b; // const int &a=temp; // 所以,给b进行赋值,a可能 cout<<"a="<<a<<endl; return 0; } 运行结果: a=2 sandbox> exited with status 0
//注:修饰成员函数_1: class Date { private: int m_year; int m_month; int m_day; public: int GetDay(void) const { m_day=7; return m_day;//修饰的情况下,不能对成员变量进行修改; } }; // void GetDay(void) const // { // return m_day; // } int main() { double b = 2.14; const int &a = b; // 会进行如下转换: // int temp = b; // const int &a=temp; // 所以,给b进行赋值,a可能 cout<<"a="<<a<<endl; return 0; } 错误提示: /code/main.cpp: In member function ‘int Date::GetDay() const': /code/main.cpp:16:8: error: assignment of member ‘Date::m_day' in read-only object m_day=7; ^ sandbox> exited with status 0
//注:修饰函数_2 #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Date { private: int m_year; int m_month; mutable int m_day;//通过被mutable修改的成员变量,就可以被修改了 public: int GetDay(void) const { m_day=7; return m_day; } }; // void GetDay(void) const // { // return m_day; // } int main() { double b = 2.14; const int &a = b; // 会进行如下转换: // int temp = b; // const int &a=temp; // 所以,给b进行赋值,a可能 cout<<"a="<<a<<endl; return 0; } 运行结果: a=2 sandbox> exited with status 0
//注:const修饰的指针 #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { const int* p = NULL;//这两种修饰的是*p指向的值 //int const* p = NULL; int a=9; p=&a;//修改了p指向的地址,任然没有出错 cout<<"*p="<<*p<<endl<<"p="<<p<<endl; int c=10; int* const b = &c;//这两种修饰的是p指向的地址 c=45; *b=c;//修改了b指向的值,任然不会出错 cout<<"*b="<<*b<<endl<<"b="<<b<<endl; b=&a;//这里有问题了,b指向的地址是不能修改的 cout<<"*b="<<*b<<endl<<"b="<<b<<endl; return 0; } 运行结果: /code/main.cpp: In function ‘int main()': /code/main.cpp:21:3: error: assignment of read-only variable ‘b' b=&a; ^ sandbox> exited with status 0
//注:const修饰的引用 #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int x = 3; const int& y = x; cout<<"y="<<y<<endl; x=9; cout<<"y="<<y<<endl; y=9;//const修饰的引用是不能够在更改引用指向的对象的 cout<<"y="<<y<<endl; return 0; } 运行结果: /code/main.cpp: In function ‘int main()': /code/main.cpp:13:3: error: assignment of read-only reference ‘y' y=9; ^ sandbox> exited with status 0
到此这篇关于C++中const的特性的使用的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关C++ const的特性内容请搜索自学编程网以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持自学编程网!
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