项目中使用 Treeselect 时,需要获取选项的变化从而触发别的事件,所以需要监听Treeselect 所选择的值。
我使用了watch 来监听 treeselect 绑定的 model ,如果 model 的值发生变化就触发 currDeptChange 事件。
<el-form-item prop="deptId" :label="$t('deviceManage.device.table.deptId')+':'"> <treeselect :options="deptTree" :normalizer="normalizer" v-model="formData.deptId" :placeholder="$t('deviceManage.device.dlg.deptId')"> </treeselect> </el-form-item>
监听 Treeselect 选择项的改变
watch: { // 监听deptId 'formData.deptId': 'currDeptChange' }, methods: { currDeptChange(val) { console.log('currDeptChange', val) if (val) { this.queryStaff() } }, queryStaff() {} }
补充知识:vue Treeselect 树形下拉框 : 获取选中节点的ids和lables
API: https://vue-treeselect.js.org/#events
1.ids: 即value
1.lable: 需要用到方法:@select(node,instanceId) 和 @deselect(node,instanceId)
<template> <treeselect ref="DRHA_EFaultModeTree" v-model="DRHA_EFaultModeTree_value" :multiple="true" :options="DRHA_EFaultModeTree_options" :flat="true" :show-count="true" :disable-branch-nodes="true" :searchable="false" @select="DRHA_EFaultModeTree_handleSelect" @deselect="DRHA_EFaultModeTree_handleDeSelect" placeholder=" 请选择..."/> <p>lables:{{DRHA_EFaultModeTree_lables}}</p> <p>ids:{{DRHA_EFaultModeTree_value}}</p> </template> <script> // import the component import Treeselect from '@riophae/vue-treeselect' // import the styles import '@riophae/vue-treeselect/dist/vue-treeselect.css' export default { components: { Treeselect }, data() { return { DRHA_EFaultModeTree_value: null, DRHA_EFaultModeTree_lables: [], DRHA_EFaultModeTree_options: [ { id: '1', label: 'Fruits', children: [ { id: '1-1', label: 'Apple ?', isNew: true, }, { id: '1-2', label: 'Grapes ?', }, { id: '1-3', label: 'Pear ?', }, { id: '1-4', label: 'Strawberry ?', }, { id: 'watermelon', label: 'Watermelon ?', } ], }, { id: 'vegetables', label: 'Vegetables', children: [ { id: 'corn', label: 'Corn ?', }, { id: 'carrot', label: 'Carrot ?', }, { id: 'eggplant', label: 'Eggplant ?', }, { id: 'tomato', label: 'Tomato ?', } ], } ], }; }, mounted: function(){ }, methods: { DRHA_EFaultModeTree_handleSelect(node,instanceId){ console.log("Select"); this.DRHA_EFaultModeTree_lables.push(node.label); }, DRHA_EFaultModeTree_handleDeSelect(node,instanceId){ console.log("DeSelect"); for (let i = 0;i<this.DRHA_EFaultModeTree_lables.length;i++){ if(node.label == this.DRHA_EFaultModeTree_lables[i]){ this.DRHA_EFaultModeTree_lables.splice(i,1); } } }, } }; </script>
以上这篇vue 监听 Treeselect 选择项的改变操作就是小编分享给大家的全部内容了,希望能给大家一个参考,也希望大家多多支持自学编程网。
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