Example 1:动态生成Where和OrderBy
companies.Where(company => (company.ToLower() == "coho winery" || company.Length > 16)) .OrderBy(company => company)
//数据源 string[] companies = { "Consolidated Messenger", "Alpine Ski House", "Southridge Video", "City Power & Light", "Coho Winery", "Wide World Importers", "Graphic Design Institute", "Adventure Works", "Humongous Insurance", "Woodgrove Bank", "Margie's Travel", "Northwind Traders", "Blue Yonder Airlines", "Trey Research", "The Phone Company", "Wingtip Toys", "Lucerne Publishing", "Fourth Coffee" }; IQueryable<string> queryableData = companies.AsQueryable(); //company 参数 ParameterExpression pe = Expression.Parameter(typeof(string), "company"); // ***** 开始构造 Where(company => (company.ToLower() == "coho winery" || company.Length > 16)) ***** //构造表达式 company.ToLower() == "coho winery" Expression left = Expression.Call(pe, typeof(string).GetMethod("ToLower", System.Type.EmptyTypes)); Expression right = Expression.Constant("coho winery"); Expression e1 = Expression.Equal(left, right); //构造表达式 company.Length > 16 left = Expression.Property(pe, typeof(string).GetProperty("Length")); right = Expression.Constant(16, typeof(int)); Expression e2 = Expression.GreaterThan(left, right); //构造上述两个表达式的或 // '(company.ToLower() == "coho winery" || company.Length > 16)'. Expression predictBody = Expression.OrElse(e1, e2); //构造where表达式 'queryableData.Where(company => (company.ToLower() == "coho winery" || company.Length > 16))' MethodCallExpression whereCallExpression = Expression.Call( typeof(Queryable), "Where", new Type[] { queryableData.ElementType }, queryableData.Expression, Expression.Lambda<Func<string, bool>>(predictBody, new ParameterExpression[] { pe })); // ***** Where 部分构造完成 ***** // *****开始构造 OrderBy(company => company) ***** // 构造表达式树,表示 'whereCallExpression.OrderBy(company => company)' MethodCallExpression orderByCallExpression = Expression.Call( typeof(Queryable), "OrderBy", new Type[] { queryableData.ElementType, queryableData.ElementType }, whereCallExpression, Expression.Lambda<Func<string, string>>(pe, new ParameterExpression[] { pe })); //***** OrderBy 构造完成 ***** //创建查询 IQueryable<string> results = queryableData.Provider.CreateQuery<string>(orderByCallExpression); foreach (string company in results) { Console.WriteLine(company); }
Example 2: 扩展in查询
LINQ中,并没有提供In的操作,比如要查询xx 是否在["xx1","xx2"...]中时,需要手动编写SQL使用in,并将array拼成分割的字符串。如果使用LINQ,则可以变成xx==xx1,或者xx==xx2,实现如下:
public static Expression<Func<TElement, bool>> BuildWhereInExpression<TElement, TValue>( Expression<Func<TElement, TValue>> propertySelector, IEnumerable<TValue> values) { ParameterExpression p = propertySelector.Parameters.Single(); if (!values.Any()) return e => false; var equals = values.Select(value => (Expression)Expression.Equal(propertySelector.Body, Expression.Constant(value, typeof(TValue)))); var body = equals.Aggregate<Expression>((accumulate, equal) => Expression.Or(accumulate, equal)); return Expression.Lambda<Func<TElement, bool>>(body, p); } public static IQueryable<TElement> WhereIn<TElement, TValue>(this IQueryable<TElement> source, Expression<Func<TElement, TValue>> propertySelector, params TValue[] values) { return source.Where(BuildWhereInExpression(propertySelector, values)); }
比如上例中,我们要判断在集合中是否存在以下数据,则可以直接使用where in
string[] companies = { "Consolidated Messenger", "Alpine Ski House", "Southridge Video", "City Power & Light", "Coho Winery", "Wide World Importers", "Graphic Design Institute", "Adventure Works", "Humongous Insurance", "Woodgrove Bank", "Margie's Travel", "Northwind Traders", "Blue Yonder Airlines", "Trey Research", "The Phone Company", "Wingtip Toys", "Lucerne Publishing", "Fourth Coffee" }; string[] t = new string[] { "Consolidated Messenger", "Alpine Ski House 1" }; IQueryable<string> results = companies.AsQueryable().WhereIn(x => x, t); foreach (string company in results) { Console.WriteLine(company); }
Example 3:封装分页逻辑
public class QueryOptions { public int CurrentPage { get; set; } = 1; public int PageSize { get; set; } = 10; public string OrderPropertyName { get; set; } public bool DescendingOrder { get; set; } public string SearchPropertyName { get; set; } public string SearchTerm { get; set; } }
public class PagedList<T> : List<T> { public int CurrentPage { get; set; } public int PageSize { get; set; } public int TotalPages { get; set; } public QueryOptions Options { get; set; } public bool HasPreviousPage => CurrentPage > 1; public bool HasNextPage => CurrentPage < TotalPages; public PagedList(IQueryable<T> query, QueryOptions o) { CurrentPage = o.CurrentPage; PageSize = o.PageSize; Options = o; if (o != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.OrderPropertyName)) { query = Order(query, o.OrderPropertyName, o.DescendingOrder); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.SearchPropertyName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.SearchTerm)) { query = Search(query, o.SearchPropertyName, o.SearchTerm); } } TotalPages = query.Count() / PageSize; AddRange(query.Skip((CurrentPage - 1) * PageSize).Take(PageSize)); } private IQueryable<T> Search(IQueryable<T> query, string searchPropertyName, string searchItem) { var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "x"); var source = searchPropertyName.Split(".").Aggregate((Expression)parameter, Expression.Property); var body = Expression.Call(source, "Contains", Type.EmptyTypes, Expression.Constant(searchItem, typeof(string))); var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(body, parameter); return query.Where(lambda); } private IQueryable<T> Order(IQueryable<T> query, string orderPropertyName, bool descendingOrder) { var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "x"); var source = orderPropertyName.Split(".").Aggregate((Expression)parameter, Expression.Property); var lambda = Expression.Lambda(typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(typeof(T), source.Type), source, parameter); return typeof(Queryable).GetMethods().Single(method => method.Name == (descendingOrder ? "OrderByDescending" : "OrderBy") && method.IsGenericMethodDefinition && method.GetGenericArguments().Length == 2 && method.GetParameters().Length == 2) .MakeGenericMethod(typeof(T), source.Type) .Invoke(null, new object[] { query, lambda }) as IQueryable<T>; } }
public PagedList<Category> GetCategories(QueryOptions options) { return new PagedList<Category>(context.Categories, options); }
Example 4 简化数据绑定
在Windows Form中,所有的控件都继承自Control基类,它有一个DataBindings属性,可以用来绑定对象,这样就能自动更新。通常,在需要给一些对象赋值,或者保存空间里设置的值到配置文件时,我们可以使用数据绑定,而不是手动的去一个一个的赋值。但DataBindings的原型方法Add为如下,比如我要将某个空间的值绑定到配置对象里,代码如下:
textBoxCustomerName.DataBindings.Add("Text", bindingSource, "CustomerName");
上述代码将TextBox控件的Text属性跟bingSource对象的CustomerName属性进行了绑定,可以看到以上代码有很多地方需要手写字符串:TextBox控件的属性“Text”,bingSource对象的“CustomerName”属性,非常不友好,而且容易出错,一看这种需要手打字符串的地方,就是"Bad Smell",需要优化。。
可以感觉到,如果我们直接能像在Visual Studio里面那样,直接使用对象.属性的方式来赋值,比如这里直接用textBoxCustomerName.Text,和bindingSource.CustomerName,来替代两个手动输入的地方,整个体验就要好很多,比如,如果将上述代码写为下面的形式:
dataSource.CreateBinding(textBoxCustomerName, ctl => ctl.Text, data => data.Name);
public class FlexBindingSource<TDataSource> { private BindingSource _winFormsBindingSource; /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="source">object entity binding to the control</param> public FlexBindingSource(TDataSource source) { _winFormsBindingSource = new BindingSource(); _winFormsBindingSource.DataSource = source; } /// <summary> /// Creates a DataBinding between a control property and a datasource property /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TControl">The control type, must derive from System.Winforms.Control</typeparam> /// <param name="controlInstance">The control instance on wich the databinding will be added</param> /// <param name="controlPropertyAccessor">A lambda expression which specifies the control property to be databounded (something like textboxCtl => textboxCtl.Text)</param> /// <param name="datasourceMemberAccesor">A lambda expression which specifies the datasource property (something like datasource => datasource.Property) </param> /// <param name="dataSourceUpdateMode">See control.DataBindings.Add method </param> public void CreateBinding<TControl>(TControl controlInstance, Expression<Func<TControl, object>> controlPropertyAccessor, Expression<Func<TDataSource, object>> datasourceMemberAccesor, DataSourceUpdateMode dataSourceUpdateMode = DataSourceUpdateMode.OnValidation) where TControl : Control { string controlPropertyName = FlexReflector.GetPropertyName(controlPropertyAccessor); string sourcePropertyName = FlexReflector.GetPropertyName(datasourceMemberAccesor); controlInstance.DataBindings.Add(controlPropertyName, _winFormsBindingSource, sourcePropertyName, true, dataSourceUpdateMode); } }
private static MemberExpression GetMemberExpression(Expression selector) { LambdaExpression lambdaExpression = selector as LambdaExpression; if (lambdaExpression == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("The selector is not a valid lambda expression."); } MemberExpression memberExpression = null; if (lambdaExpression.Body.NodeType == ExpressionType.Convert) { memberExpression = ((UnaryExpression)lambdaExpression.Body).Operand as MemberExpression; } else if (lambdaExpression.Body.NodeType == ExpressionType.MemberAccess) { memberExpression = lambdaExpression.Body as MemberExpression; } if (memberExpression == null) { throw new ArgumentException("The property is not a valid property to be extracted by a lambda expression."); } return memberExpression; }
private FlexBindingSource<CustomerInfo> dataSource; dataSource = new FlexBindingSource<CustomerInfo>(customerInstance);
dataSource.CreateBinding(textBoxCustomerName, ctl => ctl.Text, data => data.Name);
以上就是C#用表达式树构建动态查询的方法的详细内容,更多关于c# 构建动态查询的资料请关注自学编程网其它相关文章!
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