- 开发阶段:研发功能或者修复bug,在本地自测。
- 代码审核阶段:提交代码,并请求团队内人员做code review。
- 测试环境测试阶段:部署到测试环境并请求测试。
- 发布线上待测阶段:测试环境通过测试发布到线上进行测试。
- 验收完成任务:线上验证成功,关闭这个任务。
整个过程一气呵成,环环相扣。而其中可以被自动化的正好是第二步:请求他人进行code review的时候的反馈消息。
**Changes has been committed to feature/xxx-xxx** - https://git.xxx.com/xxxx/ddaf18f9be4613c31363d4c92b8bafc3sdfdsf **Details** Remove invalid logic for admin pannel
由于每次走到Code Review的步骤的时候都需要写类似的回复在任务管理系统中,所以考虑使用Python脚本去自动生成这段文字,简化工作。
根据样例回复进行分析,需要获取项目的分支名(任务目标分支),项目最后一次提交的commit id去组装第二行的git commit的链接,然后Details的内容可以从git log中的提交信息里面提取。
git branch | sed -n '/\* /s///p'
第二步:获取commit id。
而获取commit id也非常简单,只需要如下命令:
git rev-parse HEAD
还需要获取提交信息,利用git log的命令进行过滤也能得到:
git log --pretty=format:"%s" -1
git log --pretty=format命令很强大,除了获得提交信息外,还有如下参数可以使用。
%H 提交对象(commit)的完整哈希字串 %h 提交对象的简短哈希字串 %T 树对象(tree)的完整哈希字串 %t 树对象的简短哈希字串 %P 父对象(parent)的完整哈希字串 %p 父对象的简短哈希字串 %an 作者(author)的名字 %ae 作者的电子邮件地址 %ad 作者修订日期(可以用 -date= 选项定制格式) %ar 作者修订日期,按多久以前的方式显示 %cn 提交者(committer)的名字 %ce 提交者的电子邮件地址 %cd 提交日期 %cr 提交日期,按多久以前的方式显示 %s 提交说明
所以第二步也可以使用git log命令实现,如下所示:
git log --pretty=format:"%H" -1
#coding=utf-8 #!/usr/bin/python import os, subprocess import random # use subprocess to get the current branch name from output def get_branch_name(cd_path): os.chdir(cd_path) status, branch_name = subprocess.getstatusoutput("git branch | sed -n '/\* /s///p'") # print(output) # exit(0) return branch_name def get_latest_git_log(cd_path): """ docstring """ os.chdir(cd_path) status, log_info = subprocess.getstatusoutput("git log --pretty=format:\"%s\" -1") return log_info def get_latest_commit_id(cd_path): os.chdir(cd_path) status, commit_id = subprocess.getstatusoutput("git rev-parse HEAD") return commit_id def get_reviewer_by_random(reviewers): return random.choice(reviewers) def get_thanks_words_by_random(thanks_words): return random.choice(thanks_words) def create_comment(reviewers, branch_name, log_info, commit_id, thanks_words): print(get_reviewer_by_random(reviewers)) print("*Changes made has been committed to " + branch_name + "*") print("- https://git.xxxxx.com/someproject/subname/-/commit/" + commit_id) print("*Details*") print("-" + log_info) print(get_thanks_words_by_random(thanks_words)) branch_name = get_branch_name('/Users/tony/www/autoWork') log_info = get_latest_git_log('/Users/tony/www/autoWork') commit_id = get_latest_commit_id('/Users/tony/www/autoWork') reviewers = [ '[~Harry]', '[~Tom]' ] random_thanks_words = [ 'Review it please, thanks.', 'Actually, I am glad to see you have time to review it, thanks a lot.', 'Please check it if you have free time, thanks.', 'Check it please.' 'Waiting for your code review, thank you.' ] create_comment(reviewers, branch_name, log_info, commit_id, random_thanks_words)
例如执行os.system("git branch | sed -n '/* /s///p'")会返回如下内容:
feature/ST-247 0
[~Harry] *Changes made has been committed to feature/ST-247* - https://git.xxxxx.com/someproject/subname/-/commit/d21033057677e6d49d9cea07c64c49e35529545dx *Details* - Remove some invalid logic Please check it if you have free time, thanks.
#coding=utf-8 #!/usr/bin/python import os import subprocess import random class CommitComment: def __init__(self, project_path: str, reviewers: list, thanks_words: list): self.project_path = project_path self.reviewers = reviewers self.thanks_words = thanks_words # use subprocess to get the current branch name from output def get_branch_name(self) -> str: os.chdir(self.project_path) status, branch_name = subprocess.getstatusoutput("git branch | sed -n '/\* /s///p'") return branch_name # use subprocess to get the latest commit message from git log def get_latest_git_log(self) -> str: os.chdir(self.project_path) status, log_info = subprocess.getstatusoutput("git log --pretty=format:\"%s\" -1") return log_info # use subprocess to get the latest commit id from git log def get_latest_commit_id(self) -> str: os.chdir(self.project_path) status, commit_id = subprocess.getstatusoutput("git rev-parse HEAD") return commit_id def get_reviewer_by_random(self) -> str: return random.choice(self.reviewers) def get_thanks_words_by_random(self) -> str: return random.choice(self.thanks_words) def create_comment(self): print(self.get_reviewer_by_random()) print("*Changes has been committed to " + self.get_branch_name() + "*") print("- https://git.xxxx.com/MyProject/ProjectName/-/commit/" + self.get_latest_commit_id()) print("*Details*") print("-" + self.get_latest_git_log()) print(self.get_thanks_words_by_random()) thanks_words = [ 'Review it please, thanks.', 'Actually, I am glad to see you have time to review it, thanks a lot.', 'Please check it if you have free time, thanks.', 'Check it please.' 'Waiting for your code review, thank you.' ] reviewers = [ '[~Harry]', '[~Tom]' ] comment = CommitComment('/Users/tony/www/autoWork', reviewers, thanks_words) comment.create_comment() # will print out the complete comment
2.通过脚本传参来动态选择需要被处理的项目目录。在这个案例代码中是hard code的,默认是选择了autoWork这个项目。
3.还可以考虑接入语料库(thanks words),这样感谢的话永不重复,还能学点新单词。:)
以上就是python实现代码审查回复消息生成的详细内容,更多关于python 回复消息生成的资料请关注自学编程网其它相关文章!
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